Monday, September 30, 2019

Service at the Jenni Museum and Food Bank

Cool metal sculpture 
Fun District Video Call
Fun District Video Call
Fun District Video Call
Elder Walker fit inside the Suit Case
Service at the Jenni Museum

September 30, 2019- Week 50

Monday is the usual stuff and preparing for the rest of the week. After a little bit we drove downtown to get some sweaters because why not haha. I got a Plymouth one and it is warm, perfect for the months to come. After we drove to Carver to meet up half way with Preston Wood to save miles. We then went to his house and met the YSA Elders there. While there I did something I thought I would never do... we played Dungeons and Dragons. It was definitely interesting and Preston gets really into it. It's alright just something I'd never play back home. After a little bit we helped bring up some Halloween boxes from the basement and Elder Walker could fit in one of the suitcases! He is skinny and flexible enough to do so. We left shortly after because P-day was over, and stopped by a member’s house close by.  They helped us out and made some dinner and we had a good talk with them both. To end the night we walked downtown. Monday night, it was dead!
     Tuesday morning right before we had studies, Bob's furniture came in and replaced my broken box spring! Now I wont feel a dip in the middle. After studies we went to go meet with Al, this time we really didn’t get a lesson in we just listened to him about his life and different religions he’s learned about.  Sherri came shortly after and we said a prayer with both of them. Right before we left Al said he wants to come to a Sunday service soon! We can’t wait for that. After we stopped by the Jenni Museum, we have a service opportunity to help them with the yard work. While there we had a little mini tour and we plan on coming back tomorrow to mow the lawn! After we did that we did some street contacting downtown until we had to leave for our first appointment with Eric. We had a pretty good lesson with him, but he seemed very distracted, but he loves the spirit we bring! We then had a couple of stop byes in the same area (the projects). We then made our way home for dinner and Elder James made some dang good chicken! To end the night we had a good lesson with Brother Gould and continued to read from the Book of Mormon. We are now in 2 Nephi so it's about to get confusing. We then went to the church to pick up some food a member had for us, and talked to the Young Men's Leader. The Young Men are doing archery tonight. When in the Easy home we stopped by Ollie and Peyton to check in on them, sadly no answer tonight. We did a few more stop byes while on the way home but sadly no answer.
     Wednesday was another fun day of service. While at the Food Bank all we did was start to weigh everything. They had an audit the next day and needed everything in the room weighed, so that's what we did the whole time, it was pretty fun. We played a game of guess the weight. While there they got a couple of food orders in and they decided to give it all away, so Elder James and I got a bag of food! After service at the food bank we came home to drop off the food, have a quick snack then we did service at the Jenni Museum, mowing the lawn took about 30ish minutes,  not long at all. The ground is above a natural spring so at some parts the ground was just mush. We then came home to have studies. Well I tried to take a small 5-10 minute nap turned out being an hour... guess I really needed it. We had a nice comp study, then went out to street contact. We noticed some older guys at the street basketball court so we ended up playing some "pross-ball" with them. We had a nice game going on and yes this was the first time playing pross-ball for me. We made some good connections with them. We had to go to make it to our ward missionary coordination in time. We had a good coordination to help our leaders get more involved and know what we can do to help. A Brother Volpetti took us out to dinner at “The Hideout" a pretty good diner in Middleborough. I had a delicious steak, but sadly right after I rushed to the bathroom and threw up, I have no clue why. After dinner we made our way to an appointment at the furthest west of our area. Turns out it was a set up, the kid we were reaching out to had no clue who we are, and when we called the given number the next day, we knew it wasn’t him. Later in the week we got a prank call from him. We then had our journey home for the night. 
     Thursday was finally interviews for the transfers and we had time to do some studies then we drove to the church to be picked up by the Brewster Elders. While at the Church we dropped off the table and chairs we borrowed for a Free Bible Stand. Interviews went well, President took notice and said I seem more focused on the work in this area. He always say’s to me, "you are a fighter" it's always funny to hear it. After all of us finished up interviews we went out to lunch at “Little Sally's”. It's a pretty famous place in the mission for the missionaries to eat at. I had a really good mac and cheese! On the way home we got dropped off and made our way to Sister Burgess home to help her move a couple things around in her house. She is getting ready for some surgery and will be using a Walker. With it being Thursday we came home and did a weekly planning session, it went pretty well. We made some good plans for the friends we are teaching. After we did a couple of more stop byes to people with interest and walked around downtown. At Dinner we just ate at the house to save miles, and we didn’t have anyone signed up. The last three hours of the night we met with Brother Gould and read from the Book of Mormon.  With the little time we had left we did a couple more stop byes and walked downtown. 
     Friday is always fun. After we had our studies we drive to the Chapel to have District Council. This week we did it over video call because everyone was out of miles. It still went really well! Most of Friday we did stop byes and a lot of street contacting  and that’s pretty much how Friday ended up. At dinner we watched the second Book of Mormon video, and it was so cool!
     Saturday was such a long day. We had studies, then we tracted down a long street we were hoping to talk to a lot of people but we talked to 1 person about every 7 houses. It wasn’t as much of a success as we hoped for. Later on we had a short lesson with Sister Conway and read a few verses from the Book of Mormon.  We then tried to do more stop byes with a few people we are teaching but no one answered. For the last little bit we walked downtown and the sins of the world were showing as we passed many bars.
     Sunday we are already out of miles, but we couldn't get a ride to Stake Conference up in Hingham.  It was a different Stake Conference for me. They released the presidency and called a new one. We heard all of there testimonies. The coolest part about today was seeing a few members from the Martha's Vineyard Branch! The last two talks were given by two members of the 70 that were there.(I cant remember the names). While on the way home we made stop byes with some members we didn’t see there, who are also on the outskirts of our area. We played some "volleyball" with a couple of the Fernadez kids, because they were all outside. We really just threw a volleyball over a fence back and forth, but still had fun!  After a few more check ins we came home for studies.  We had a small dinner and the Hovey’s said we could come over to pick some dinner up from them as well. We ended up talking to Al tonight and after talking for a little bit we had to go, but he said that one thing that he really likes about the church is no one gets paid. He said that is how they should all be. We also talked to Larry and Ollie but tonight wasn’t the best.  Larry just got back from the Hospital and wasn’t feeling good. To end the night we once again walked downtown, surprising had some good talks with strangers. As we were walking home we talked to Elizabeth, she is our friend we see every night walking her dogs. She was with a friend and told her "these two are so awesome!, they are going to come over to share a message soon. You should come over too!" That was super cool to hear a lady we haven’t even taught yet asking a friend to come over with her to hear a message about Christ!

                   Article of Faith 8
  "8 We believe the Bible to be the word of God as far as it is translated correctly; we also believe the Book of Mormon to be the word of God."
     The scriptures are so powerful, as I read in them everyday I learn more of the love the Christ has for not me only but for everyone. We should read daily and pray to know the truthfulness of the scriptures. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

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