Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Wrestling like Enos in the Book of Mormon

Beaver Tree
My Wrestling Shoes remind me of Enos 
Muthuen MA
Muthuen MA with my Savior
Muthuen MA Deer Jump Reservior
Elder Knowlden and Elder Foster having some fun

Week 80
Mon, Apr 27, 9:53 PM (20 hours ago)

     Monday morning after we got ready, I called home for a little bit then we went shopping. We then came home and relaxed for a little bit, along with having lunch. We then relaxed then went out for our weekly hike, this week we went to Deer Jump Reservation. It was pretty fun and really peaceful.  When we got home I called the family again until P-day was over.  We then had dinner and made a few calls. To end the night we had Mission FHE, today we learned more about Jerusalem, it was pretty awesome!
     Tuesday morning we got up and ready, we had comp studies, then our virtual Zone Conference, it was only two hours. The big focus was on the importance of using technology in the work. "The only thing we have in the work is our Voice, everything else is from God ". After Zone Conference we had some more studies and lunch. We then met with Brother Watkins (Methuen) and went over a message of hope and peace. Later, we made our way to the Chapel to work on Family History.  There is a gap on my moms side that we are trying to figure out and we hope to fill it out soon!  The Spanish Elders were there also and they invited us to eat dinner with them. We had some good burgers! After dinner we called and met with the Stice family (Billerica) and went over their family mission plan along with an uplifting message. I did a little magic trick and the kids loved it!  We came home and prepared for our Zoom meeting for Methuen. Tonight's message was on the Creation, what a perfect time because the next day is Earth day!
     Wednesday morning after we got up and ready, we made our way to Salem NH because our RAV 4 was on a recall and we needed to get it checked out. The Spanish Elders were in the same predicament. We saw them there, but we all did studies so we could be productive. After an hour or so the car was finished so we made our way home. We then finished studies and had lunch. Afterwards we then reached out to many people, trying to set up more appointments. We had a little but of a break, did more and then made a post for Facebook.  We did exercise time then dinner. We had our Mission Wide Fireside, and it was an awesome focus on the first great commandment "Love thy God, with all of your Heart, All of your mind and all of your strength". After the Fireside we had Coordination with Billerica and it went really well, we got a lot of work done.
     Thursday was a longer day. We had studies and today I finished the Book of Mormon. It was my quickest time of 31 days! Usually takes my about 100, but with us inside all day, we have more time to read. After studies we had lunch and then a lesson with Sister Carter (Methuen). We talked about family history and finding names for the Temple. After our lesson with her, we had lunch and then weekly planning. We ended up getting a call from the office missionaries asking about keys that were found in both Elder Foster and my previous area. (There were random keys found in the cars of our last area's) we both had no clue so they might be throwing them all away. After that we had work out time and then dinner. At 6 we had an amazing lesson with Angel (Methuen). We went over the Restoration and he loved the First Vision, and has a stronger desire to read the Book of Mormon now! He is so awesome and has a strong desire to come closer to our Savior in Heaven! We then had our second Zoom call for Methuen and todays message was on "The Fall of Adam and Eve". It was cool to see and recognize all the blessings we have from it. One of the biggest is the understanding I have to know absolute and Pure Joy from sadness and sorrow. To end the might we made a few more calls but it was a long day for sure!
     Friday was a pretty good day, we got ready for the day and were able to have studies. I got caught up in the Old Testament because I am behind by a few days, so it was nice to do so. At 11 we then had District Council, and we had the lesson and Roleplaying today.  It was focused on effective finding through technology along with having normal and natural conversations in chats with people we find. After District Council we had lunch, did some facebook finding and writing letters basically up until dinner. Afterwards we had a lesson with the Hongs (Billerica) it went really well. Brother Hong is from Korea! We then called people with expiring records. (Info that will be lost if no interest in 2 years). We talked to a lady with the name Marianne, she is a close friend with many members of the ward. We were able to share a little message with her, and she was beyond greatful! Though she isn’t interested, we feel that she will join eventually, maybe not In this life but in the Spirit World! For the rest if the night we did more calls and texts.
     Saturday, today was a full day of calling members again and setting up appointments for the coming week. After dinner we had a lesson with the Kelsey Family, and to end the night we had a great lesson with Betty Ma and Sister Stapleton!
     Sunday morning after we got ready we had our coordination with Methuen. After I ended up taking my shower, because I didn’t have time earlier. While I was in the shower I listened to the New Testament. After I got out we had personal studies up until 11. We then had our mission wide Sacrament and we had a few great talks! One on enduring our trials and another on our purpose here. After Sacrament we had lunch/ a little break. We then made a lot of calls up until dinner, sadly a couple appointments canceled. After dinner we had a great lesson with the Bailey Family, (Billerica). To end the night we made another Facebook post!
                       Enos 1:2
   "2 And I will tell you of the wrestle which I had before God, before I received a remission of my sins."

     As many of you may know in High School my "Thing" was wresting. But at first I wasn’t good at all! As I put in hard work and lots of extra time on the mat I eventually got better. I have had matches where I completely dominated and on the contrary, I've been in matches where my opponent completely dominated. The hardest matches were the ones where both of us were back and forth, back and forth, it truly was a wrestle! Okay now to get to the point, I love this scripture in Enos because I know what it feels to in a wrestle as Enos states. At the end he was completely exhausted and after my matches, I was completely exhausted. As of recently I keep my wrestling shoes on my desk to remind me everyday to keep wrestling and to not give up! I truly want to thank my coaches for all that they have taught me through the years, because of them I strive to be more like Enos and give it all I got! I know right now it isn't easy but Coach Christ is on the side cheering us on! I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

!8 Months in the Mission Field-6 more to go

Muthen Den Rock Park
Muthuen MA District
Methuen MA District 
Methuen MA District
Methuen MA District
Methuen Den Rock Park-Rock
Methuen MA-Brother Adams
Methuen Den Rock Park
Methuen MA Apartment
Methuen MA Elder Foster 

Muthuen District

Week 79    4-20-20
Weekly 18 months!!
     Monday, It basically rained all day. We called our District and did a few games of "Two Truths and a Lie". Afterwards I called home for a little bit to talk to the family.  We went shopping, when we got back and decided to go on a hike despite the rain. We went to "Den Rock Hike". It was pretty fun! When we got back we chilled out and relaxed.  I called home again, and we had dinner. Afterwards we had lesson with Brother Adam's, to end the night we had a Mission Wide FHE and we played a fun game a General Conference Kahoot!
     Tuesday was pretty fun after we got ready for the day we did our studies and then had a quick lunch. We made our way to the Chapel for a change of scenery and wrote some letters. We were expecting to be on a call for a lesson but they had to reschedule because they weren't feeling well. We then did a short exchange with the Lawrence Elders because they were at the Chapel as well. We just basically took turns being with them (1 on 1) Both of them are pretty cool! We also threw a football around along then had dinner. We came home and we prepared for our Gospel principle message at 7pm via Zoom. We had 3 people join us and were talked about "Why we need a Savior". To end the night we made a few calls and did some Facebook finding.
     Wednesday was honestly a really good day. I had a really good morning workout and got ready for the day we had daily planning and then personal studies. After studies we both made a post for our Facebook pages to help share a message. Sadly we had two lessons planned, but both of them didn’t pick up. We made some calls and sent some texts hoping to set up lessons for the coming week. We did some more Facebook finding then we had our 30 minutes of work out time for the afternoon.  Elder Foster made dinner but it wasn’t ready until 6. So we ate dinner during the Mission Fireside over Zoom.  At first there was a slide show of pictures for President Mavromaitis birthday.  The training was a Facebook finding lesson. To end the night we did a Zoom call with the Young Men from Billerica and their Leaders. It was just a fun Q and A for us.
     Thursday went pretty well. The morning was pretty normal. Getting ready, Personal studies, Comp studies and then Lunch. We then made our way to the Chapel and reached out to a couple people until we had our virtual experienchange with the Zone Leaders, it took about 2 hours and I was with Elder Lee. He actually sat by me on the plane coming into the Mission Field! It was pretty cool, we basically just got to know each other better. After that we had a Bible Referral in Dracut. We drove home picked up a Bible and made the drive down there. All we did was drop the Bible off at the porch. We then made our way home.  I was able to call the family while I made dinner. I found out my old comp Elder Foutz has COVID-19. Keep him in your prayers please ! After dinner we had an awesome lesson with Angel whom we met him through Facebook (free Bible Offer). We went over the Gospel of Jesus Christ and it was so cool to see how much he truly wants to come closer to Christ is his life! After our amazing lesson with him we then had our Zoom call with the Methuen Ward on Agency. For the rest of the night we made a few calls and did Facebook finding.  After the day of work was over we did our call ins to the members of the District. Turns out the Lynnfield Elders were at the Mission Home with the AP's. We had no clue why...
     Friday, well we found out pretty quick but they will be going home tomorrow (Saturday). They only had 28 Days left so we don’t know all what happened but they are going home “Honorably”.  After studies we had District Council and Elder Kilpack and Callahan joined in for one last time. It was all focused and extending commitments and following up. Afterwards we had lunch and then did weekly planning up until afternoon workout, then had dinner. For the rest of the night we reached out to all the part member families in Billerica ward. It took forever but we trooped through! Today I hit 18 months, didn't do too much because you know quarantine, but Woohoo 6 months left!
     Saturday was a pretty long day. It snowed a little bit too! The morning usual daily planning, studies and lunch. We went to the Chapel to do Family History. We are trying to fill a gap in my family tree, but it is hard to find this record! I also wrote a few letters, then contacted members. The Lawrence Elders were there too, so we did workout together. We played a Basketball game called 7 on the line, and I ended up winning! While we were there, Sister Day came and we were able to set up an appointment for tomorrow with her Family! For dinner we had Spaghetti. When we got back home, we did more reaching out to people. To end the night we had a lesson with Betty Ma and Sister Stapleton on the 10 Commandments!
     Sunday was good, after we woke up and got ready we were able to have Missionary Coordination with the Methuen Ward. We had personal/companion studies. At 11 we had our Mission Wide Sacrament Service where we heard some great insights from some of the missionaries. We then had lunch after Sacrament.  After lunch we reached out to many members trying to set things up. Brother Allan came to our apt to pick up some pass along cards, a couple church movies, and a Book of Mormon. He hopes to hand them out to people in need! We had a great lesson with Brother Swanson and his wife who isn’t a member. We will be sharing another message with them next week! After dinner we called some members of Billerica, to see if there was anybody they thought of that we could reach out to. We also called some of the youth leadership in Billerica. The reason being, every night we send a text to all the leaders in the Ward, and the area 70 has asked that we add the youth leaders as well! All in all, it was a pretty good day. To end the night we called the other two companionships in our District to check in on them.

                 3 Nephi 18:33

     "30 Nevertheless, ye shall not cast him out from among you, but ye shall minister unto him and shall pray for him unto the Father, in my name; and if it so be that he repenteth and is baptized in my name, then shall ye receive him, and shall minister unto him of my flesh and blood"

     There are many people who don't believe in Christ, or have left the Church.  That is not for us to judge at all, Christ said it himself, pray for them.  I know that Christ will hear our prayers and help, but they still have agency so they can choose. Let us show Christ like love and let us minister unto them. You never know when they will have a change of heart. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen                           

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

200 Days out in the Mission Field

Elder Foster at Crystal Shores
Crystal Shores
New Hampshire Sign
Methuen Ma Mons Pkg Gum Puzzle
Methuen Ma Homemade Masks
Methuen Ma Elder Foster Crystal Shores Reservation
Crystal Shores 
Crystal Shores
Crystal Shores
Homemade Masks Methuen with Elder Foster

Week 78 - 4-13-20

     Typical P-day stuck inside. After we got ready we hurried and went shopping for the week. After that we had a video call with the District and played "two truths and a lie".  Then we went on a hike at Crystal Springs Reservation, It was so pretty.  While I was there I ended up just sitting on a rock and said a little prayer. It was so peaceful and so heartwarming. The rest of the day we didn’t do much. We were inside the apt. The last hour of the day, we had a Mission Wife FHE, it was pretty fun.
     Well Tuesday through the rest of the week was pretty much full of calling people (members, people taught in the past, friends currently being taught) we are slowly getting to know the members more. Families we met with (the Aldrichs, the Coats, the Bells, and the Wikles). For the people we are teaching (Gail, Betty Ma, and Niel). We also have been in contact with a lot of the others we are teaching. On Tuesday and Thursday we now do Zoom lessons with anyone who is willing to join (for the Methuen Ward). The first one we only had a couple people join but the second one we had around 15!!! It was so cool, and it will only get better. Wednesday we have a Mission Wide Fireside, and on Sunday we do Mission wide Sacrament Meeting. This week we had Elder and Sister Costa join us. Elder Costa is a Emeritus 70! He was also in the same ward as my Mission President when my President was a boy! Thursday we did a weird exchange with the Lynn Elders. Basically we did an hour video call one on one with them.
     My emails may be like this for the coming weeks, we aren't doing as much as we were (actively) before. We are still working hard but it's all from technology! It is pretty good, and we have found a few people who are interested in learning more!

                   Mosiah 27:16

     "16 Now I say unto thee: Go, and remember the captivity of thy fathers in the land of Helam, and in the land of Nephi; and remember how great things he has done for them; for they were in bondage, and he has delivered them. And now I say unto thee, Alma, go thy way, and seek to destroy the church no more, that their prayers may be answered, and this even if thou wilt of thyself be cast off."

          I love this, after many years of Alma the Younger preaching against his father Alma and the Church if God, an Angel appears to him and the sons of Mosiah to tell them to "seek to destroy the Church no more". After wards the Angel still gave them their agency to still choose to not believe. In life this is how it is, we may see Gods hand in our life but we still have our agency to believe in him or not. This is all because God loves us and gives us our freedom. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

General Conference Week April 4 & 5, 2020

Windham New Hampshire Fosters Pond
Methuen Ma Elder Foster
Methuen MA Homemade masks
Methuen MA Book of Mormon Photo Shoot
Fosters Pond
Fosters Pond
Fosters Pond
Fosters Pond
Fosters Pond with Elder Foster
Windham Fosters Pond Natural Area

Week 77  April 6th 2020

     We are continuing to settle in, we got permission from our Zone leaders to go on a hike as long as we are still practicing social distancing. We went to a hike at the top of our area, called Fosters Pond. It was honestly so pretty and very much needed. That was the highlight of the day. When we got home we didn’t do much but sit around and talk to family. That night we called people to set up future appointments and we had a Mission Wide FHE Zoom Call.
     Tuesday we had studies and then made a bunch of calls to members and people taught in the past. It took a lot out of us. Then after dinner we had a lesson with Antonio (a guy we are teaching) about prayer and the importance of prayer. After our lesson with him we met with the Glines and had a short message with them. We then met with the Niedfeldt Family and got to know them more, we shared the “Hear Him” video, they also asked us to reach out to a couple of part member families!
     Wednesday, Welcome to April, Fools! Haha see it's a play on words. We had been doing a lot of calls to members, people with interest, and people taught in the past through out the week. We had a member of Methuen call us and asked how we were doing. We said a prayer with him as well. After dinner we had a Mission Fireside, it was pretty fun. Then we had coordination with Billerica.
     Thursday morning we had studies and made calls once again. We were able to video chat with the Vasquez Family, people we are teaching and we introduced ourselves. Afterwards we had a good lesson with Jahely on what happens after death. From then until dinner we did weekly planning. Later on after dinner we had a couple of lessons with members from the Billerica Ward the Balcks and the Bowers, both went really well!
     Friday morning after studies we had District Council via Facebook Messenger. It went really well, the training was on the Restoration. Afterwards we finished up comp studies and then made a few calls. After dinner we were expecting to have a few lessons. Sadly they never answered the phone. To end the night we had a great lesson with Betty Ma and Sister Stapleton. She is excited for General Conference tomorrow! I was also able to call and wish my dad a Happy 61st Birthday!
     For Saturday and Sunday it was filled with many wonderful experiences from General Conference I loved a lot of the talks but a couple favorites were Elder Holland’s on “Hope” and Elder Oaks on “The Plan of Salvation!” Within those days we had a few lessons as well. We taught Stephen Insero, Michael's Dad. We talked to him about “The Plan of Salvation” a day early but for sure we will be sending him Elder Oaks talk as we know it can help him out. We also met with the Allen Family. We talked about Conference along with following up on their Family Mission Plan. That night we also met Michael through a glass door because we gave him some copies of the Book of Mormon he wants to give out! We left outside the door and he picked them up.

     This week there will be no Scripture, I simply want to bare my Testimony of the Restoration. Just as Joseph Smith did, I have prayed to know what Church is true, and about the Book of Mormon. The answers I received where an overwhelming amount of Love and I know that this Church "The Church Of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints" is Christ’s true Church here on the earth today. I know that God The Father and Jesus Christ appeared to Joseph Smith in the Sacred Grove back in 1820. I know that the Priesthood has been restored to the earth so that we can do baptisms and other ordinances once again under the proper authority of God. I know that Joseph Smith truly did Translate the Gold Plates into the Book of Mormon with the Gift and Power of God. But most importantly I know that I have a Savior that Loves me and that God truly does answer our prayers. I truly testify that these things are true. The Book of Mormon is Another Testament of Jesus Christ, that we have a Prophet on the Earth today, in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen!

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

My New Area is Methuen & Mellerica

Mutheun MA Elder Soltis, He had to go home
Methuen MA Bags found in our new Apartment

Rhode Island Brother James
Rhode Island Barnes Family
Methuen MA Elder James & Evans Family
Rhode Island Evans Family

Rhode Island Raposa Family
Rhode Island James
Rhode Island Gina
Rhode Island Brother Windor

Lieutenant at Salvation Army
Rhode Island Saying Goodbye to Elder Johnson

Rhode Island the Church

Week 76   March 31st 2020

     Once again, it was another week stuck inside! Monday was fun, the Central Falls Elders came down for one last hurrah. We hit the beach because one of them had never seen it! To me that's just crazy, anyway we went and it was super cold, so we didn’t stay too long. Basically the rest of the day was spent at the Chapel playing basketball and calling family. Later on the YSA Elders came down as well. We had a lot of fun.
     Tuesday was basically a day filled with saying goodbye to a lot of members, Brother Stabley took us out to Subway for lunch and for dinner we ate with the Evans, they invited James over so it was awesome to say goodbye to him as well. When we got back to the apt we finished packing and then the Narragansett Elders came down to help us with all of our bags for tomorrow.  We only have a Chevy Malibu so both Elder Johnson and my bags wouldn't fit. We played some card games for a little bit then hit the hay.
     After we woke up we packed the cars, cleaned the apt real quick, then took our final video and I had the opportunity to say the final prayer in Newport. No missionaries will be there for at least one transfer so we locked it up and made our way up to Weston Chapel.  On the way up we hit Central Falls because Elder Johnson forgot his water bottle so we picked it up. We officially drove all the way to Weston. I met up with Elder Foster.  We packed our car and made our way up to the Methuen Apt. We are both new to the area, and we cover two areas! Methuen and Bellerica. When we got to the apt we unpacked the car and we went to the office and got a parking pass for the car. We ended up having a lesson with Jehely on faith. We then got settled in a little more and called the Bishops of both Wards to introduce ourselves and see what we can do to help. It was a good day.
     Thursday-Sunday basically was filled with calling members and introducing ourselves and setting some lessons for the coming week. We had a few lessons. One was with Michael Insiro, a recent convert who has a strong desire to serve a Mission. Also Betty Ma a lady of Chinese decent who has just recently come to an understanding of who Christ is. Just like James in my last area she didn’t grow up knowing about Christ. She has a lot of faith and has a desire to know the truth for herself. Sunday we had coordination in Methuen and joined the Call Family to share a message with them for a short Sunday School message. We also had a Mission wide Fast and Testimony meeting which was cool to hear. Because of the Virus most of the foreign missionaries went home, so I said Goodbye to our Zone Leader Elder Soltis who came to the apt to pick something up he forgot. Saturday we had a surprise change and Elder Foster (my companion) is now the District Leader.

       Doctrine & Covenants 11:12

     "12 And now, verily, verily, I say unto thee, put your trust in that Spirit which leadeth to do good—yea, to do justly, to walk humbly, to judge righteously; and this is my Spirit"

     At times we have strong feeling to do good things. That truly us the Spirit and it comes from God. All good things come from God. Let us all follow these promptings and live happy! I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen