Thursday, May 30, 2019

Dinners 2 times a night

A queen of Averia (super rare bird)
A queen of Averia (super rare bird)
Elder Giatras & Me
Eating Onions at a members
District meeting

Elder Brayden Knowlden
Wed, May 29, 1:29 PM (1 day ago)

     Monday, it was a pretty good P-day, but it was beyond hot and it only is going to get worse. On our trailer the left blinker hasn’t been working, turns out it has to do with a fuse in the truck. We decided to go do all our errands right after we woke up and got ready for the day.  We first stopped by an automotive place to get a new fuse. The guy just gave us one because they literally cost a few cents. After we finally got the left blinker fixed we went to give the truck a wash because it is pretty dirty. We went to a self-wash and it didn’t do anything, you can still see a lot of the dirt on the truck. After we went out to Market Basket for our groceries and luckily we don’t need too much. We then came home and played some tennis, well attempted to play tennis. We had fun and it lasted for about an hour. It was so hot outside I am not excited for the summer, because it only gets worse from here. With it being so hot outside we decided make a shake and we failed immensely we made it with ice cream, milk and lots of brownies and it failed. We soon after went to visit the Paice family for dinner. They're super cool members. They are both from London so it's really cool to hear accents. I got along real well with the two sons who are big into Pokemon so it was fun to nerd out for a little bit. While we were there, we helped them move a washer and dryer out the garage and put two new ones in the home. After, we had to run over to the Rogers home for a second dinner and it was really fun to hang out with them.
     Tuesday, we had a move in Boston so we left around 10 to go pick up a couple of desks and a couple chairs from sister missionaries. Luckily this time we didn't need to bring the trailer down because there was no way we would have fit it down the road. It was fun to help out these sisters because they really needed these broken desks out of their place. Luckily because we have the trailer weight enough for Menard back up my truck to get the two desks and chairs in perfectly. We really wanted Chinese food before we left back to our area, so the sisters suggested we go to a take out place called "Yummy Yummy, Chinese takeout", unfortunately there was no parking close by. We will have to try it another time. The first thing we did after we left Boston was head over to the storage to drop everything off that we had collected. Shortly after that we went over to the Weston chapel and drop off the trailer. We then went to the mission office to report what happened. Before we came home we stopped by Domino's Pizza, because we were hungry. We had a late dinner with the Rogers, this time the kids weren't there. Before we rushed out to our next appointment, we gave Brother Rogers a blessing of peace and comfort. Our appointment ended up being at an E.R due to the fact that the person being taught got jumped. They really need a blessing at that time.
     Wednesday morning the first thing we did was head over to brother Paganellas Home to help him with his yard work. We helped him out in his garden and mowing the lawn. After we finish we went to the kitchen and brother Paganellas wife was super happy and she made us a small snack for the road. We then came home to change and we had to get ready for our next appointment with Sister Charlene Jesus, she is a new member and we taught her a lesson on the Gospel of Jesus Christ. She lives on the 6th story of her apartment building and we had a lesson on the balcony. I keep my phone in my breast pocket and after we finished my phone fell off the balcony six stories. Surprisingly, it survived the six-story fall! We then had a snack and had fun stacking random stuff on the table. We once again had dinner with Brother Rogers. The rest of the family was out of town on vacation and we had some delicious steak and had some great conversations with him. After we left Brother Rogers home we went to a meet-up with a member before an appointment of ours with Anthony. He wasn't there so we decided to go visit a less active member, she was there, and needed some help. She needed help setting up some surveillance cameras in her home and I was able to help her, she was super happy, after that we had a good lesson on finding peace and love with the Savior, We ended by listening to "I need thee every hour". That song has brought me a lot of comfort to my life, and know it can help her.
       On Thursday we finally had a chance to sit down with Kyle for a lesson. He has been taught before but just moved back home for the summer from college. His best friend from Colorado has been a huge support for him and is also serving a mission. We hit a few road detours on the way to get there but we did make it. It was a different lesson because we Skyped other missionaries who taught him while in the YSA ward. The lesson was focused on acting in faith. He had a lot of trust and knowledge of the Gospel but needs to learn to act in faith. After his lesson we left to go pick up Elder Wilde at an auto shop. While his car was in getting fixed we went to the Weston Chapel to work on the Trailer. We also went to Home Depot to get a few tools. We are super excited to get the trailer fixed even more. We screwed in the floor boards to keep them more sturdy. Almost all the screws were out so now its fixed and flat. After we finished we went out to “Five Guys” for an early dinner. Elder Wilde didn't eat until then so he must have been hungry. After we dropped him off we came home for weekly planning and daily contacting. We even made dinner at home for the first time this transfer! We have a lot of hope and faith for our friends being taught and in our area.
     Friday, for District Council we had a mission wide video call/training. The focus was on setting and making goals, along with focusing on key indicators while doing our planning sessions. It was different because this is the first time District Council over video call. We got lots of insight how we can best get the support from the wards we are in. Right after we ran to Brother Waltchs home to help him move a piano out of his trailer and into his home. It has pretty heavy so it took all three of us to get it in. Its an older one and out of tune. Brother Waltch wants to sand and repaint it along with getting it tuned. Before we even got there they ordered pizza for us helping out. Recently he bought a Smoker (grill) and he invited us over to use it for a dinner sometime soon! After we left to go meet with Andy for another lesson. When we got to our meeting place she wasn’t there, she messaged us to apologize because she got called into work last minute. With the extra time we had, we left to go pick up a package I got from the post office.  Inside of were a few items from home. Also inside was the new “Preach my Gospel”,  the book that all missionaries use to help them learn more about missionary work. They redid it to have focus on truly doing the Lords work. A lot of wording was changed and stuff has been added to fit more with the time we are in. A big change is the use of technology to our missionary life. After that we went to visit Brother Rogers for dinner. We had a lot of fun there and got to know him even more. After dinner we got to know him more on a personal and even. Spiritual level. He has the desire and does want to return, he feels the promptings of the spirit and knows that he should come to church. He is just so close and we will be here to support him along the way. One fun thing we did before we left was hold one of their exotic birds. The bird I held is extinct in the wild and you need a license to own one. It was so cool to see one in person.
     Saturday was a day of service. After our studies we went to help a member move their neighbor. She was an older lady who has a three-story home and doesn't need it anymore. She needed help moving all the big things in. We did a lot of work but she still has a lot to go. Most of the big items are out and into a moving pod she now just needs to pack a lot of boxes to be ready to move out. We hope to keep in contact with her because she is moving somewhere else in our area, she even has friends that are members in other states. After helping her we came home to change and leave to dinner with the Sofoul family. We had a really good meal, it was make your own burritos. They even had Watermelon! It was so good. We had a good message on being Christ like and praying to see what I can do personally to help out. After dinner we stopped by the Escobars to see how they were doing. They have had some issues in the family and a lot of stress. Sister Escobar called us earlier and asked for a blessing. While we were there we helped with yard work, mainly mowing and edging the lawn. Before we left we gave sister Escobar a blessing that she truly needed. I love seeing others act in faith and ask for blessings.
     Sunday, first thing of the day was get ready and leave for church. Today when we got there we waited outside to greet people. We were also waiting for Kyle, and yes he did come. He had a good time and was happy to be there. Though it was early something he said made us super happy. "Even if it was at 7 I probably still would have come" he is just so close to baptism we can feel it! It was a weird second hour today, we did splits. With it being ward conference all the primary teachers were in a training, so they needed help doing crowd control. With Kyle being new he did not want to go alone to Elders quorum. We decided to go on  splits, Brother Lopez and I went to primary, while Elder Giatras and Kyle went to Elders quorum. It was definitely different while at church not being by my companion. After church we came home and had a snack, and we were off for our three planned lessons. All three fell through but we have plans to meet with them again. We stopped by the Floyds home and Rose made us some Brazilian Cheese Bread. For our lesson the focus was on the scriptures and reading to know for your self. Rose has a strong faith and wants the best for her family. After our lesson with her we had an early dinner/late lunch with the Escobars. They had a grill out, with a lot of meat. We couldn't say no to that. We ate so much but we had to go to our dinner right after. For dinner we were with the Cutlers and we had burritos as well. I could only eat one of them. To end the night we came home to study and relax. We were so full we almost threw up, but luckily we didn't!

                   Words Mormon 1:8

  "8 And my prayer to God is concerning my brethren, that they may once again come to the knowledge of God, yea, the redemption of Christ; that they may once again be a delightsome people"

     The past few days Elder Giatras and I have been pondering a lot on how we can help our less active members, and even our list of people who have taught before. We never know when they might have that desire to be taught again about this wonderful Gospel. We always pray for the guidance of the Holy Ghost to help us know what and who to talk to. We pray that we can help them closer to Christ and find the peace that He can and will bring into our lives. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ amen

Thursday, May 23, 2019

A super awesome busy week

Square screws
Outside the Sister Missionary's Apartment
After my Haircut
Rogers Macaw
Outside Sisters Apartment with Elder Giatris

Week 31 5-21-19
     This past  week has been really fun and we have seen some awesome miracles. On Monday we got haircuts by Brother Kim he's a member and our ward and he has his own Barbershop. It's old-fashioned and super cool to look around inside. After we got our haircuts from Brother Kim we went over to Men's Warehouse so I could get a brand new suit I have to get a new one because I've gained weight since I've been on my mission roughly about 20 lb. We then went to go talk to the office missionaries and we hung out there for a little bit it's pretty fun to see them and help them out a little bit as we were there. We then went to Morse Tavern for dinner with Elder and Sister Wilde some of the office missionaries. They have some good burgers! After dinner at Moore's Tavern we came back to the office to help Sister Wilde pack up supplies for Zone Conference the next day. We went back to Men's Warehouse to see if I can get a cheaper suit because I ended up spending too much for on the mission. It was too much of a hassle to call the truck back so the manager was able to give me a generous discount to help me out.
     Tuesday, Today was Zone Conference and before we left the apartment we could not find the keys anywhere. We called Elder Meyer and Elder Woods for a ride and we ended up finding them right after, so we are able to get to Zone Conference on time. Elder Bennett the Area 70 for our mission was the one who gave the lesson. He first asked the question about what has changed since we've all been on a mission; one thing that has changed is distractions have been removed. Board games, card games, less time to be with other missionaries, and even weights.  All of this is to help us be more focused on our missionary purpose. After we talked about the lessen of distractions we talked about how the more people we are teaching can get to church, the better they can feel the spirit and the closer they are to baptism. One thing I really liked is we split up into our companionship and talked about the spiritual gifts that we have and how we have grown from our companion’s spiritual gifts. After we came back, a member from Cambridge and talked about the importance of building trust and member relationships. They are the biggest push and help for missionaries for new people to teach. We had two dinners the first was with the Macklanes, they have 4 crazy kids but we had lots of fun. Our second dinner was with the Rogers, this time we had a really cool experience with the two exchange students. We had a really cool lesson on part of the Plan of Salvation. We talked a lot about spirits and what happens after death. They definitely had a lot of good questions, and we answered the best we could to what we knew.
Wednesday was a pretty mellow day but we had lots of stuff planned, first thing we had was studies. I am starting on prayer, revelation and miracles while reading from the Book of Mormon. I am super excited for this read! After studies we helped a lady who used to live in the ward clean out her parents home so it can be sold. We helped take out a shelf and it had three-square screws in it. They were definitely made to keep it in tight. We then came home to change out of service clothes and head to a lesson with Sister Charline Jesus. I brought in my Wooden Plan of Salvation puzzle for a visual. She really liked it and she has a strong desire to be in the Celestial Kingdom. After our lesson with her we went to go meet Andy and have a lesson with her, she has a lot of questions. We are in a slump with her. She has a desire to learn but not act in Faith to progress. We hope the best but we can only do so much. The lesson went well, but it’s hard because she only wants us to use the Bible, because that is how she was raised. We plan on meeting her this week for another lesson, hopefully by then we will know what to do. We then left to dinner and on the way we got lost and couldn't find it. Luckily we found the right place. We had dinner with the Buchmans and they always take us out, this is also why I’m gaining weight. I ordered sirloin tips, and they were sooooo good! To end the night we had a first lesson with a man named Anthony. He has talked to missionaries in the past and is interested in learning more. He has a beautiful story on how he came to know God for the first time in his life. He has a strong Faith in Christ and it is amazing. Almost all of his questions were about if what he knew was true or not from what he has been told. He really like what we taught and he wants us to come back for another lesson. We invited him to read from the Book of Mormon and Pray for himself to know if its true and not take our word for it. He said he was already planning on it, It was so cool to hear him say that. He actually gave the closing prayer and said it right there, it was so spiritually uplifting to hear him act in faith!
    Thursday was probably the longest day this week. We had a big move, with six stops. Just in driving it was around 7-8 hours. We did a lot of picking up extra or broken items, then a few dropping off new items. It turns out Sisters truly do get better apartments then the Elders, well for the most part. It was a really fun day though. I needed the practice so I was the one driving the truck and trailer the whole day. The hardest part was backing up into the apartments when we stopped in Hartford Connecticut. Backing up with a trailer is harder than I thought. Our last stop was the sisters in Trumbal Connecticut. It is the furthest southwest area in the mission, and is on the boarder of New York state. Traffic coming back to Weston to drop off the trailer wasn’t to bad but after we dropped it off it was horrible.  We had a Book of Mormon study and dinner at the Rogers home after we finished the move. They are always so welcoming for us missionaries. To end the night we went for a lesson with Sister Robinson but she had to leave before we got there. We decided to stop by to check in on Rob and Rose, and it was at the perfect time, we helped Rob unpack his car and it really helped him save time and energy.
     Friday I hit my 7month mark, its still so crazy that this time has flown by so quick. We had no time yesterday so this morning before District Council we had to go unload the trailer so we could get it ready for the next few moves. After, we had our District Council for the week and the lesson was on the importance of leaving commitments, promising blessings and then following up. We can tell that someone who does keep commitments is someone who is acting on faith and truly wants to know for themselves if this is the true Church of Jesus Christ. After we had a couple lessons through out the day, my personal favorite was with a lady named Clauzi. The day before we got a call from a lady named Clauzi and she told us that her husband met with the mission earlier that day. The lady said she was a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints she even had a name tag and her name was Sister Victoria but she was by herself. We know it couldn’t have been a missionary because she was by herself, Clauzi believes it was an angel. Every time missionaries have talked to her in the past bad stuff has happened to her, "bad with a capital B". This time she wanted to finally sit down and talk with us. She knows all the rules and we didn’t know why. As we sat down with her we found out she has been a member for around 20 years! She has been less active for about 5. It was super cool to hear her story and about her life. We ended up sending the Portuguese-speaking missionaries over to her because she is a member in the Portuguese branch. We were just so happy to help her in returning to the gospel. She even said she feels great sadness when she misses church. We let her know that we would love to see her this Sunday, and she is super excited to be there! That was an awesome end to the night.
     Saturday was a great day for proselyting, we had a couple a good lessons today and we did a lot of stop bys for people with interest. We had a great lesson with Evans on obedience and following promptings from God. We came home and made a chicken alfredo and it was the first home cooked dinner this transfer. After dinner we did some more tracting around our area and met Ada, she has interest and we even sat down to have a lesson on the restoration, it was super cool and we plan on coming back within the next week!
     Sunday, we left for church early so we could be at a Ward Missionary Correlation. We got a lot talked about to help out our friends we are teaching and even our ward mission plan. We have a lot planned to help get the ward more involved! At church we saw Tacia there, she is one of the ladies we are teaching and it was her first time attending! She really liked it and is looking forward to returning! Not only was she there so was Clauzi, and the talks were great for both of them to hear. The first talk was the importance of personal reverence to remember our Savior during church to be more focused on what the spirit wants you to know. The second talk was on obedience, but more on the importance of church attendance, and how it can bring blessings. Even our Sunday School lesson was super helpful for our friends that came today! The lesson was on the prodigal son. No matter how far we may feel we have strayed the Lord will always welcome us back with open arms, and full of love. Both Tacia and Clauzi loved it. Clauzi even went to the Portuguese branch as well. We had an early dinner with the Escobars and we had Rapas (maybe spelled wrong I am sorry). They were super good, later on we did some more tracting and even set up a few appointments for the upcoming week! While walking around we met a man named Derrick who recognized us (from the church) it turns out when he was younger he was an active member, he even invited us to visit him and his grandma later on in the week. We had a really good week and had lots of fun!
                      1 Nephi 11:22
   "22 And I answered him, saying: Yea, it is the love of God, which sheddeth itself abroad in the hearts of the children of men; wherefore, it is the most desirable above all things"

     Christ is ever so loving, he even gave his life for each and everyone of us. He was crucified and suffered the pains and afflictions for everyone individually. As we strive to be faithful to him we can have a strong bond to Him and feel the love he has for us. As we are obedient we can have that love for ourselves and it will show so others can feel it as well!. Christ’s love will never fade. It will only continue to grow. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ,  Amen.

Friday, May 17, 2019

Understanding how the Bible and Book of Mormon work together

Bird I talked with
Elder Giatras
District Bowling

A frog I found

WEEK 30 5-13-19
     Well it was another crazy busy and a fast week! Monday we had District P-day we met around noon to start. We picked up the Spanish Elders and a grill to have a cook out and have fun. When we got there, we met up with the rest of our District and started to cook. We had really good burgers and many snacks. After a little bit we all decided to go to Apex bowling. It was pretty fun  & I got my high score of 95! I will get better as the years go by. That night we went to the Waltches home for dinner and we had Hawaiian Haystacks, it was super good! Definitely a good home cooked meal.
     Tuesday, one of the first things we did was go to the mission office to drop a couple things off. We also got more information on some upcoming moves. Both Elder Giatras and I have served in Martha’s Vineyard and it turns out they are taking missionaries off the Island for a while. We were shocked when they said that. Later this month we will be heading back to the Vineyard for a day to help move the Elders off the Island. After we left the office we went to the Weston Chapel to get the trailer for a move in Boston. The traffic and roads were so bad we felt like we were going to get hit, luckily we didn’t! After we got what we needed we left to Salvation Army to drop of five chairs and a few other things. We then came home for the night, but oh boy was it a fun day!
Wednesday, today right after we got ready for the day we started Exchanges, I went with our District Leader Elder Meyer, he is in the Spanish program. All that day it was super confusing because I don’t understand Spanish pretty much at all! I had a great time and we saw some awesome miracles along the way. While tracting I found a birdcage while waiting at the door I started to talk to one of the birds. The Spanish area is bigger then what we have, they cover over two English areas. While we were in the other area we met a lady who is searching for a new faith, we were able to send a referral of to the Marlboro Sisters for them to start teaching.
     Thursday we exchanged back early in the morning so we could get ready for the day. Most of the day we were doing stop bye’s. We had a lesson with Andy who has lots of good questions; they help push me personally to have a better understanding of the Bible and the Book of Mormon and how they work together. After her lesson we had another dinner appointment with the Rogers. It’s great to be with them because they are a less active family and it’s great help strengthen their testimonies. To end the night, we had an appointment with another less active lady and her kids. When we got there her friend was talking to her and said she wasn’t interested and that she has her church. We then had our lesson with the less active member, our focus was on church attendance and the blessings we get from them. Before we closed her friend walked in and we ended up giving her a blessing of healing. I know that she could feel the power and the love of Christ during it. I know she felt the spirit. Even though she said she wasn't interested earlier now wants to know more about what we believe! It was an awesome miracle we saw.
     Friday, we had District Council and the lesson was on how to begin teaching. We always want to do this, it sets the expectations for the lesson and establishes our purpose for being there. After we finished we made our way over to the Weston Chapel to work on the trailer. We now have a new connector from trailer to truck. We helped get the tail lights fixed, unfortunately we have to buy a new light for the left side, hopefully it’s here soon, we have a few moves planned already. After that we went out to 5 Guys for lunch. I got a shake with bacon and it was soooo good! Later on we had dinner and a lesson with Charline Jesus, she is a recent convert and we are going over all the lessons again, she already has such a strong faith and testimony. To end the night we had our ward missionary correlation, to discuss the progress of our friends being taught along with how the ward members can best help them.
     Saturday was such a long day. First thing we did was head over to the Rogers to help with service. We helped Mark fix/set up a wooden play set for his daughter. It was pretty fun but it took forever. While waiting/ letting him get things set up we were talking to McKenna and the exchange student and getting to know them more. The exchange student isn’t religious at all so it was good for us (in service cloths) to "be normal". It was good for her to see although we are representing the Lord we still are human, and we can have fun too. We were back and forth between helping with the play set and getting to know the others more. Mark likes to do stuff on his own. We took a break for breakfast, and Mark always makes super delicious meals. After we finished, we then finished the playset. We found a frog so obviously I had to pick it up. Before we left we read a scripture from the Book of Mormon. We are all helping each other understand what’s happening and we had a lot of good discussions from it. We then had to leave to go home and get ready for the rest of the day.  We went out to dinner with Brother Lopez, he took us to and Italian Restaurant and we got pizzas! He is a super cook member and he is doing an internship while he is out here, he is from Utah. Our appointment ended up getting canceled so we helped with giving a blessing. The past few days he hasn’t been feeling the best. After visiting him we decided to go see a lady we are teaching to check in on her. It was great to finally meet her and she has such strong faith in Christ, she is one of the closest to Baptism, we hope to set a date soon! We then had to quickly stop by a member’s home, because they had something for us. They were having a party for their daughter’s birthday. Even though we were going to be late to get home we met a kid who is extremely interested. At 15 he already loves the Bible and he wants to go do a service mission in the summer. We talked about what we do as missionaries, then we invited him to read the Book of Mormon to help strengthen is love for Christ and the Gospel.
     Sunday, it was Mothers Day so at Church we had two good talks. First on the women in the scriptures and second being a relief society sister. They were pretty good. For elders quorum most of the brothers were in helping primary so much so, we didn’t have any one in Elders quorum class. We ended up joining Primary for singing time, it was all pretty fun. After that finished we had about 20 min left for a lesson. It was a good reminder on Gary E. Stevensons talk in General conference, "Our Spiritual Playbook". We came home and called home to talk to our Moms and families. It was pretty fun. We did some studies then later on went to dinner with brother Waterfal. It was nice and quite, and we had a good message that he said was much needed at that time. It was on the Brother of Jared when he is talking with the Lord asking for help. The Lord answered in three ways. 1) Trust in me, 2) will give us the guidance and 3) wont tell us. When he doesn’t tell us it is because of the Faith and trust He had in us, as we continue to be righteous and follow God He will never lead us astray.
                       Ether 12:41
    "41 And now, I would commend you to seek this Jesus of whom the Prophets and Apostles have written, that the grace of God the Father, and also the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost, which beareth record of them, may be and abide in you forever. Amen."

       One thing I love and have grown to a better understanding of out on my mission is to Look to God. As we have the questions about faith that we may not understand, look to God, we are truly able to return to him because of Jesus Christ, we can feel their love and their support through all things. We can feel the power of the Holy Ghost. As we pray and come to an understanding and receive our own personal witness that this is the true church of Jesus Christ and that His Church is once again reestablished on the earth today only then will you know of the absolute pure love the God has for each and everyone one of his children. You can also know that Christ did atone for each and everyone one of our sins. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

We are the Moving Missionaries for the Mission

5 guys burger and Fry's, Fry's,Frys
Playing Tennis
We are the Moving Missionaries
My friend the White Husky

Week 29  5-6-19
  Oh boy had it been a long and tiring week. We have just kept so busy and got a lot of great work done. Monday was a pretty fun p-day we did the usual cleaning and shopping. After we finished we decided to go play some tennis, the funny thing is there wasn’t any nets so we really just messed around. Elder and Sister Wilde (office missionaries) wanted to take us out to dinner, but as we were getting ready to leave and meet them our truck wouldn’t start. We had to call them and they were able to help jump start the truck to get it working again. With it being later then we wanted we went to five guys for dinner. We got large fries and then Elder Wilde gave us his, we got so many fries it looked like we had five larges not three. After dinner we went over to visit Charline Jesus a recent convert, she wasn’t feeling to well and asked us for a blessing. It was an amazing experience to help with a blessing.
     Tuesday through Thursday we got so busy with helping with moves. Yeah I have an assignment with being here in Framingham and we are “Moving Elders” so we help move the furniture around and help missionaries move into new places when needed. Tuesday was a long day we removed all the furniture out of a senior comps apartment who went home, then moved it into a new apartment in a new area. We then had dinner at a less active families home and I fell in love there, they had so many different animals and it made me so happy! Wednesday we traveled down to Brewster to help them move into a new apartment, the house they were in got sold. It was a long day but we had lots of fun on the road. For lunch we went out to Captain Parkers and had delicious burgers! For dinner we were at the Escobars home and we got to know them even more. They are hoping to go through the Temple soon! We are so excited for them. Oh yeah, they are the family with the white Husky!
 Alright now Thursday, our final and biggest move for the week! It was in Boston and it was hard to do with the trailer. The apartment we were at had just a small space to back into, so we even had to use our road cones to protect the truck. Luckily we had 4 other Elders helping us out. One of the elders was convinced we couldn’t fit in everything. Our job was to pack in and play tetris with all the furniture.  While the other elders brought everything down. We even got a little worried it wouldn’t all fit. Luckily it did and we ended up having a lot of extra space. I was super happy because they had Panda Express just down the road and they only have a few here in the east coast. After our quick lunch we left to the storage unit to drop everything off. We met up with Elder and Sister Rasmussen and they helped unload and organize it. Perks of being a moving elder, we both have new amazing dressers, a new bookshelf, and a new couch! It was a really fun but long day. For our dinner we went to a part members home and we ended up giving the non-member a blessing. It was awesome to see the faith he has in the power of the priesthood.
     Alright back to normal missionary stuff, first thing we did for the day was District Council. It was a good lesson on getting members more involved in missionary work. After out meeting we all set down for a mission call from President.  He went over goals for the mission along with letting everyone know that next transfer we will be getting the North Shore Zone (Stake) back into the mission. This Zone right now is part of the New Hampshire Mission. We are all excited for it. After we went our ways, we went to help Brother Nick Paganella with some service. With it raining we did other stuff inside. We read part of this weeks “Come Follow Me” lesson and had some good insights about it. We then went to Walmart to help him get some gallons of water and brought them inside. After that we left to change back into our Proselyting cloths then went to dinner with the Rodgers again. We had some delicious chicken wrapped in bacon.
     Saturday was such an amazing yet busy day. We had a few appointments through out the day and taught some amazing lessons. We have been talking to a few potential people throughout the week and met with them today. With a lot of hard work and a lot of stop by’s with sharing messages we found five new people to officially start teaching! It was such an awesome experience. With us being so busy all week, we knew it was all because of obedience and Gods timing. We then met a few people who didn’t have time that day but said to come back another time. For the upcoming week we have high hopes to find more friends to start teaching. Earlier in the day we witnessed a lady run into a parked car. We could tell she was super stressed and we didn’t know what to do. We knocked on the car door to see if she was okay and if we could help with anything. She was okay and we left her with a prayer of peace and comfort. While doing some stop by’s we saw an ice cream truck and it turns out Elder Giatras had never seen one before. By the end of the day I was so tired I couldn’t even function well.
     Sunday, favorite day of the week, with it being fast and testimony meeting I always try to bare my testimony. In Sunday School the lesson was on forgiveness, because the Lord will forgive us for anything, we need to forgive for even the small things. After church we went to teach a few more lessons to follow up and see how some friends were doing. After a lesson with a new friend we are teaching, we felt prompted to ask her about baptism, and she is really interested! We hope we can help her on this journey. After some lessons we came home for dinner and did some weekly planning to see how we can best help this area!

        Philemon 1:21 (new testament)
   "21 Having confidence in thy obedience I wrote unto thee, knowing that thou wilt also do more than I say."

     Even tho we were so busy this week with moving, we were still being obedient. We had no time to go find or even go teach, but as we finally had the time we went above and beyond the goal we set for finding 2 new friends teach. Some days we may not find anybody, but as we pray to find the ones who are ready, the Lord will bless us for doing his will. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen