Thursday, May 30, 2019

Dinners 2 times a night

A queen of Averia (super rare bird)
A queen of Averia (super rare bird)
Elder Giatras & Me
Eating Onions at a members
District meeting

Elder Brayden Knowlden
Wed, May 29, 1:29 PM (1 day ago)

     Monday, it was a pretty good P-day, but it was beyond hot and it only is going to get worse. On our trailer the left blinker hasn’t been working, turns out it has to do with a fuse in the truck. We decided to go do all our errands right after we woke up and got ready for the day.  We first stopped by an automotive place to get a new fuse. The guy just gave us one because they literally cost a few cents. After we finally got the left blinker fixed we went to give the truck a wash because it is pretty dirty. We went to a self-wash and it didn’t do anything, you can still see a lot of the dirt on the truck. After we went out to Market Basket for our groceries and luckily we don’t need too much. We then came home and played some tennis, well attempted to play tennis. We had fun and it lasted for about an hour. It was so hot outside I am not excited for the summer, because it only gets worse from here. With it being so hot outside we decided make a shake and we failed immensely we made it with ice cream, milk and lots of brownies and it failed. We soon after went to visit the Paice family for dinner. They're super cool members. They are both from London so it's really cool to hear accents. I got along real well with the two sons who are big into Pokemon so it was fun to nerd out for a little bit. While we were there, we helped them move a washer and dryer out the garage and put two new ones in the home. After, we had to run over to the Rogers home for a second dinner and it was really fun to hang out with them.
     Tuesday, we had a move in Boston so we left around 10 to go pick up a couple of desks and a couple chairs from sister missionaries. Luckily this time we didn't need to bring the trailer down because there was no way we would have fit it down the road. It was fun to help out these sisters because they really needed these broken desks out of their place. Luckily because we have the trailer weight enough for Menard back up my truck to get the two desks and chairs in perfectly. We really wanted Chinese food before we left back to our area, so the sisters suggested we go to a take out place called "Yummy Yummy, Chinese takeout", unfortunately there was no parking close by. We will have to try it another time. The first thing we did after we left Boston was head over to the storage to drop everything off that we had collected. Shortly after that we went over to the Weston chapel and drop off the trailer. We then went to the mission office to report what happened. Before we came home we stopped by Domino's Pizza, because we were hungry. We had a late dinner with the Rogers, this time the kids weren't there. Before we rushed out to our next appointment, we gave Brother Rogers a blessing of peace and comfort. Our appointment ended up being at an E.R due to the fact that the person being taught got jumped. They really need a blessing at that time.
     Wednesday morning the first thing we did was head over to brother Paganellas Home to help him with his yard work. We helped him out in his garden and mowing the lawn. After we finish we went to the kitchen and brother Paganellas wife was super happy and she made us a small snack for the road. We then came home to change and we had to get ready for our next appointment with Sister Charlene Jesus, she is a new member and we taught her a lesson on the Gospel of Jesus Christ. She lives on the 6th story of her apartment building and we had a lesson on the balcony. I keep my phone in my breast pocket and after we finished my phone fell off the balcony six stories. Surprisingly, it survived the six-story fall! We then had a snack and had fun stacking random stuff on the table. We once again had dinner with Brother Rogers. The rest of the family was out of town on vacation and we had some delicious steak and had some great conversations with him. After we left Brother Rogers home we went to a meet-up with a member before an appointment of ours with Anthony. He wasn't there so we decided to go visit a less active member, she was there, and needed some help. She needed help setting up some surveillance cameras in her home and I was able to help her, she was super happy, after that we had a good lesson on finding peace and love with the Savior, We ended by listening to "I need thee every hour". That song has brought me a lot of comfort to my life, and know it can help her.
       On Thursday we finally had a chance to sit down with Kyle for a lesson. He has been taught before but just moved back home for the summer from college. His best friend from Colorado has been a huge support for him and is also serving a mission. We hit a few road detours on the way to get there but we did make it. It was a different lesson because we Skyped other missionaries who taught him while in the YSA ward. The lesson was focused on acting in faith. He had a lot of trust and knowledge of the Gospel but needs to learn to act in faith. After his lesson we left to go pick up Elder Wilde at an auto shop. While his car was in getting fixed we went to the Weston Chapel to work on the Trailer. We also went to Home Depot to get a few tools. We are super excited to get the trailer fixed even more. We screwed in the floor boards to keep them more sturdy. Almost all the screws were out so now its fixed and flat. After we finished we went out to “Five Guys” for an early dinner. Elder Wilde didn't eat until then so he must have been hungry. After we dropped him off we came home for weekly planning and daily contacting. We even made dinner at home for the first time this transfer! We have a lot of hope and faith for our friends being taught and in our area.
     Friday, for District Council we had a mission wide video call/training. The focus was on setting and making goals, along with focusing on key indicators while doing our planning sessions. It was different because this is the first time District Council over video call. We got lots of insight how we can best get the support from the wards we are in. Right after we ran to Brother Waltchs home to help him move a piano out of his trailer and into his home. It has pretty heavy so it took all three of us to get it in. Its an older one and out of tune. Brother Waltch wants to sand and repaint it along with getting it tuned. Before we even got there they ordered pizza for us helping out. Recently he bought a Smoker (grill) and he invited us over to use it for a dinner sometime soon! After we left to go meet with Andy for another lesson. When we got to our meeting place she wasn’t there, she messaged us to apologize because she got called into work last minute. With the extra time we had, we left to go pick up a package I got from the post office.  Inside of were a few items from home. Also inside was the new “Preach my Gospel”,  the book that all missionaries use to help them learn more about missionary work. They redid it to have focus on truly doing the Lords work. A lot of wording was changed and stuff has been added to fit more with the time we are in. A big change is the use of technology to our missionary life. After that we went to visit Brother Rogers for dinner. We had a lot of fun there and got to know him even more. After dinner we got to know him more on a personal and even. Spiritual level. He has the desire and does want to return, he feels the promptings of the spirit and knows that he should come to church. He is just so close and we will be here to support him along the way. One fun thing we did before we left was hold one of their exotic birds. The bird I held is extinct in the wild and you need a license to own one. It was so cool to see one in person.
     Saturday was a day of service. After our studies we went to help a member move their neighbor. She was an older lady who has a three-story home and doesn't need it anymore. She needed help moving all the big things in. We did a lot of work but she still has a lot to go. Most of the big items are out and into a moving pod she now just needs to pack a lot of boxes to be ready to move out. We hope to keep in contact with her because she is moving somewhere else in our area, she even has friends that are members in other states. After helping her we came home to change and leave to dinner with the Sofoul family. We had a really good meal, it was make your own burritos. They even had Watermelon! It was so good. We had a good message on being Christ like and praying to see what I can do personally to help out. After dinner we stopped by the Escobars to see how they were doing. They have had some issues in the family and a lot of stress. Sister Escobar called us earlier and asked for a blessing. While we were there we helped with yard work, mainly mowing and edging the lawn. Before we left we gave sister Escobar a blessing that she truly needed. I love seeing others act in faith and ask for blessings.
     Sunday, first thing of the day was get ready and leave for church. Today when we got there we waited outside to greet people. We were also waiting for Kyle, and yes he did come. He had a good time and was happy to be there. Though it was early something he said made us super happy. "Even if it was at 7 I probably still would have come" he is just so close to baptism we can feel it! It was a weird second hour today, we did splits. With it being ward conference all the primary teachers were in a training, so they needed help doing crowd control. With Kyle being new he did not want to go alone to Elders quorum. We decided to go on  splits, Brother Lopez and I went to primary, while Elder Giatras and Kyle went to Elders quorum. It was definitely different while at church not being by my companion. After church we came home and had a snack, and we were off for our three planned lessons. All three fell through but we have plans to meet with them again. We stopped by the Floyds home and Rose made us some Brazilian Cheese Bread. For our lesson the focus was on the scriptures and reading to know for your self. Rose has a strong faith and wants the best for her family. After our lesson with her we had an early dinner/late lunch with the Escobars. They had a grill out, with a lot of meat. We couldn't say no to that. We ate so much but we had to go to our dinner right after. For dinner we were with the Cutlers and we had burritos as well. I could only eat one of them. To end the night we came home to study and relax. We were so full we almost threw up, but luckily we didn't!

                   Words Mormon 1:8

  "8 And my prayer to God is concerning my brethren, that they may once again come to the knowledge of God, yea, the redemption of Christ; that they may once again be a delightsome people"

     The past few days Elder Giatras and I have been pondering a lot on how we can help our less active members, and even our list of people who have taught before. We never know when they might have that desire to be taught again about this wonderful Gospel. We always pray for the guidance of the Holy Ghost to help us know what and who to talk to. We pray that we can help them closer to Christ and find the peace that He can and will bring into our lives. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ amen

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