Friday, May 17, 2019

Understanding how the Bible and Book of Mormon work together

Bird I talked with
Elder Giatras
District Bowling

A frog I found

WEEK 30 5-13-19
     Well it was another crazy busy and a fast week! Monday we had District P-day we met around noon to start. We picked up the Spanish Elders and a grill to have a cook out and have fun. When we got there, we met up with the rest of our District and started to cook. We had really good burgers and many snacks. After a little bit we all decided to go to Apex bowling. It was pretty fun  & I got my high score of 95! I will get better as the years go by. That night we went to the Waltches home for dinner and we had Hawaiian Haystacks, it was super good! Definitely a good home cooked meal.
     Tuesday, one of the first things we did was go to the mission office to drop a couple things off. We also got more information on some upcoming moves. Both Elder Giatras and I have served in Martha’s Vineyard and it turns out they are taking missionaries off the Island for a while. We were shocked when they said that. Later this month we will be heading back to the Vineyard for a day to help move the Elders off the Island. After we left the office we went to the Weston Chapel to get the trailer for a move in Boston. The traffic and roads were so bad we felt like we were going to get hit, luckily we didn’t! After we got what we needed we left to Salvation Army to drop of five chairs and a few other things. We then came home for the night, but oh boy was it a fun day!
Wednesday, today right after we got ready for the day we started Exchanges, I went with our District Leader Elder Meyer, he is in the Spanish program. All that day it was super confusing because I don’t understand Spanish pretty much at all! I had a great time and we saw some awesome miracles along the way. While tracting I found a birdcage while waiting at the door I started to talk to one of the birds. The Spanish area is bigger then what we have, they cover over two English areas. While we were in the other area we met a lady who is searching for a new faith, we were able to send a referral of to the Marlboro Sisters for them to start teaching.
     Thursday we exchanged back early in the morning so we could get ready for the day. Most of the day we were doing stop bye’s. We had a lesson with Andy who has lots of good questions; they help push me personally to have a better understanding of the Bible and the Book of Mormon and how they work together. After her lesson we had another dinner appointment with the Rogers. It’s great to be with them because they are a less active family and it’s great help strengthen their testimonies. To end the night, we had an appointment with another less active lady and her kids. When we got there her friend was talking to her and said she wasn’t interested and that she has her church. We then had our lesson with the less active member, our focus was on church attendance and the blessings we get from them. Before we closed her friend walked in and we ended up giving her a blessing of healing. I know that she could feel the power and the love of Christ during it. I know she felt the spirit. Even though she said she wasn't interested earlier now wants to know more about what we believe! It was an awesome miracle we saw.
     Friday, we had District Council and the lesson was on how to begin teaching. We always want to do this, it sets the expectations for the lesson and establishes our purpose for being there. After we finished we made our way over to the Weston Chapel to work on the trailer. We now have a new connector from trailer to truck. We helped get the tail lights fixed, unfortunately we have to buy a new light for the left side, hopefully it’s here soon, we have a few moves planned already. After that we went out to 5 Guys for lunch. I got a shake with bacon and it was soooo good! Later on we had dinner and a lesson with Charline Jesus, she is a recent convert and we are going over all the lessons again, she already has such a strong faith and testimony. To end the night we had our ward missionary correlation, to discuss the progress of our friends being taught along with how the ward members can best help them.
     Saturday was such a long day. First thing we did was head over to the Rogers to help with service. We helped Mark fix/set up a wooden play set for his daughter. It was pretty fun but it took forever. While waiting/ letting him get things set up we were talking to McKenna and the exchange student and getting to know them more. The exchange student isn’t religious at all so it was good for us (in service cloths) to "be normal". It was good for her to see although we are representing the Lord we still are human, and we can have fun too. We were back and forth between helping with the play set and getting to know the others more. Mark likes to do stuff on his own. We took a break for breakfast, and Mark always makes super delicious meals. After we finished, we then finished the playset. We found a frog so obviously I had to pick it up. Before we left we read a scripture from the Book of Mormon. We are all helping each other understand what’s happening and we had a lot of good discussions from it. We then had to leave to go home and get ready for the rest of the day.  We went out to dinner with Brother Lopez, he took us to and Italian Restaurant and we got pizzas! He is a super cook member and he is doing an internship while he is out here, he is from Utah. Our appointment ended up getting canceled so we helped with giving a blessing. The past few days he hasn’t been feeling the best. After visiting him we decided to go see a lady we are teaching to check in on her. It was great to finally meet her and she has such strong faith in Christ, she is one of the closest to Baptism, we hope to set a date soon! We then had to quickly stop by a member’s home, because they had something for us. They were having a party for their daughter’s birthday. Even though we were going to be late to get home we met a kid who is extremely interested. At 15 he already loves the Bible and he wants to go do a service mission in the summer. We talked about what we do as missionaries, then we invited him to read the Book of Mormon to help strengthen is love for Christ and the Gospel.
     Sunday, it was Mothers Day so at Church we had two good talks. First on the women in the scriptures and second being a relief society sister. They were pretty good. For elders quorum most of the brothers were in helping primary so much so, we didn’t have any one in Elders quorum class. We ended up joining Primary for singing time, it was all pretty fun. After that finished we had about 20 min left for a lesson. It was a good reminder on Gary E. Stevensons talk in General conference, "Our Spiritual Playbook". We came home and called home to talk to our Moms and families. It was pretty fun. We did some studies then later on went to dinner with brother Waterfal. It was nice and quite, and we had a good message that he said was much needed at that time. It was on the Brother of Jared when he is talking with the Lord asking for help. The Lord answered in three ways. 1) Trust in me, 2) will give us the guidance and 3) wont tell us. When he doesn’t tell us it is because of the Faith and trust He had in us, as we continue to be righteous and follow God He will never lead us astray.
                       Ether 12:41
    "41 And now, I would commend you to seek this Jesus of whom the Prophets and Apostles have written, that the grace of God the Father, and also the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost, which beareth record of them, may be and abide in you forever. Amen."

       One thing I love and have grown to a better understanding of out on my mission is to Look to God. As we have the questions about faith that we may not understand, look to God, we are truly able to return to him because of Jesus Christ, we can feel their love and their support through all things. We can feel the power of the Holy Ghost. As we pray and come to an understanding and receive our own personal witness that this is the true church of Jesus Christ and that His Church is once again reestablished on the earth today only then will you know of the absolute pure love the God has for each and everyone one of his children. You can also know that Christ did atone for each and everyone one of our sins. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

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