Monday, April 29, 2019

Leaving Martha's Vineyard and into my new area

District Bowling
Jewel a friends Dog
Adam Biliduea and Elder Mulitalo

Leaving Martha's Vineyard for the last time

District while in Martha's Vineyard

District Bowling at Friendly's

Lunch at Friendly's
My New Companion Elder Giatras
Saying Goodbye to Marie Allen
Saying Goodbye to Elder Mulitalo

Week 28 April 29 2019
     Well it was the last few days of the transfer and in Martha’s Vineyard. I am now serving in a new area. I am serving in Framingham Massachusetts; I am also now a moving Elder. What that means is when a companionship needs to be moved out or to a new apartment we go with the trailer to pack everything and bring it to where it needs to be.
     Monday we decided to do a District Preparation Day so we went off Island to go meet up. It rained all day, so if we did stay we would have been stuck inside. When we got to the mainland, we got picked up by Elders Halsell and Lemon. We traveled up to Hyannis to go bowling with the Portuguese Elders, Elder Newberry and Goodman. It was pretty fun we played three games, and each time I got even better. After we finished our third game we went out to lunch at Friendly’s and it was pretty good. It was still raining by the time we got back to the ferry to go home. When we got back to the Island it smelled so nice with the ocean breeze mixed with after rain smell.
     Tuesday was my last day on the Vineyard and it was pretty well spent, for the most part. We went over to see Marie Allen. We were able to get a ride from Adam Biliduea and he even helped us out. She was sad to see me leave so soon. After her, we came home for lunch and called a few of our friends we are teaching. We didn’t have much luck. I did leave some voice messages to let them know I was leaving. Unfortunately I didn’t get to see everyone before I left. That night we had dinner at the Bilodeaus home. After we they had a farewell party for me and invited the branch, it was fun but sad to say the last goodbyes. With my tape recorder I had everyone leave a message for the road. The reason being, when I listen to it I can put a voice to a name. They gave both Elder Mulitalo and I a tie with the Island of Martha's Vineyard on it. After we came home and we went to bed to get ready for the next days journey.
     Wednesday is Transfers day, when I woke up I did my last packing, mainly just my bedding. Luckily on Monday I already brought over my two big suitcases so it was much easier this time. As we were going to hop on the bus. A friend of President Bilodeou, Mike was outside and he told us to hop in, because we need to leave in style. It sadly was my last ferry ride for the mission. I typed up a bunch of notes for the area of Martha's Vineyard so that it can help the missionaries to come. As we got to Woods Hole we were picked up by the other Elders in the District. We all went to lunch before our trip to Weston. It was s good run together as we all got to Weston we took our last pictures together. I then said my good byes to Elder Mulitalo and Hello to my new companion Elder Giatras. We didn’t do much, just talked to other missionaries at transfers, and we then got a big group photo together, shortly after we left. We took some of the Boston Elders back to there place because they are in a walking area. After we dropped them off we went to dinner with a member. They took us to "pho 2 chow" it was super delicious! After dinner we came home for the night.
     Thursday, first thing we did in the morning was go to the mission office so we could get a new sim card. The previous one got stuck in another Elders phone. After we got the sim card fixed we went to go do a lesson with a lady who was a referral. When we got there she didn’t answer. The member that came with us asked if we had time for some service for him in the yard. It was pretty fun to get to know the members more as I am in a new area. While we were there he had a huge bear carving that we helped move so he can paint it. While at his home I found out that he served in the military, so I thanked him for his service, then he said something I will never forget ",I have earned many badges and medals for serving our country, but you earned and are wearing a badge that is worth more then mine, you have a badge for serving Christ" it was powerful for me to hear that from a veteran. After we finished he took us to Burger King. We had to hurry back and change so we could go back to the lady we were going to teach in the morning. She has lots of awesome questions and she is super cool. We plan on meeting her later this week. We then went to dinner with the Taylors family. The wife works online and my cousin is her coworker, it sure is a small world especially in the church. After dinner we went over to help a member move a big and heavy shelving into her house. While we were there we had an awesome conversation about the scriptures and putting it into Greek meaning and translated into a new way of thinking. I really did like it learning more about getting more out of my scripture reading. 
     Friday morning the first thing we did was travel to Weston to hook up the moving trailer. After we got it all hooked up I practice driving it a little bit and then backing up, oh boy will this be fun getting used to. We then went to District Council.  We had a good lesson on planning and setting goals for missionary work. After we changed into service cloths and made our way to help Elders move in Hartford Connecticut, oh boy was it a long day, but it was super fun. As we got to the apartment I had to help back up our trailer into an area so we could load the truck. While backing up it was pouring rain and I got drenched! We then went to another apartment to pick more stuff up. After we went to the final apartment. The new one to drop everything off. The Elders that live there did all the organizing after we left. We then had to hurry to our dinner appointment with Brother Kim at Olive Garden. It was awesome to get to know him and his story of coming to America from Korea. While at Olive Garden I got the Zuppas Tuscanos soup because I have been craving it! To end the night we went to McDonald's and get a smoothie for a lady we are teaching. While we were there a man stopped me and he told me I looked really familiar to him. We ended up talking to him a little bit. Before we left he let us know to "tell everyone in Utah Steve says hi"-Steve (random guy at McDonald's). So to all my friends in Utah if you are reading this Steve says hi. To end the night we then went to visit Charline, she is our most recent convert in Framingham.
     Saturday, we finally had time to do some studies and do some weekly planning.  We got a lot done. While we were getting ready for service with Brother Nick we got a text from a friend we are teaching. We ended up visiting with her first at Ashland State Park. While we were there I saw so many dogs and it made me super happy. We didn’t stay to long but she had some good questions that we were able to help answer. We then traveled to Brother Nicks home to do some more yard work. We are helping put wooded bored/ lining on the brick path to his backyard. He was so thankful he gave us coupons to eat at "Unos Chicago Pizza" it was pretty good and we had great service. That night we were able to have a lesson on Temples with Charline at the Waltches family. We are hoping she will be able to go do baptisms for the dead this next week!
     Sunday we had an early ward missionary correlation with the ward executives, to see how they can get more involved in the work. It went pretty well, its’ the best one I’ve seen so far. After we had an awesome sacrament on obedience and the commandments. In Elders Quorum we talked about showing service for others. Came home to do studies and finally finish our weekly planning. After we finished we swung by a part member family to check in on them. The husband is really into animals and me and him got along really well. We left not to long after to go to dinner with Bishop Crichton and his family. Our message was on being a disciple of Christ and bearing your testimony to at least one friend this week, we are going to follow up next week to see how it went. After our dinner we went to go check in on a less active family, unfortunately they weren't home. While we were in the area we did some stop by’s for our potentials list. We had some good luck and we have a couple appointments set up for the week. We both had to use the restroom but the gas station that was close by, their bathrooms were broken, so we went to Burger King. While we were there we met a homeless man named Anthony, and we talked for him for a little bit. It seems he has talked to missionaries in the past. I just had a prompting to give him my umbrella. His face just lit up with Joy. He was so appreciative we hope to see him around. After him we did one last stop by to see a family. They are a referral from another area from a couple weeks ago. We just came and introduced me and got to know them even more. While we were there they have Maltese dog named Jewel, and I just fell in love. We are planning on meeting with them later this week to share a message. If we do all that we scheduled, this week we will have found 4-5 new people to teach!
              Words of Mormon 1:8
   "8 And my prayer to God is concerning my brethren, that they may once again come to the knowledge of God, yea, the redemption of Christ; that they may once again be a delightsome people"

    Prayer is quite powerful; if there is one thing I have grown to love is my personal prayers. As I pray I truly feel as if I am talking to God. I truly know that He is listening to me. I say what I feel and Express my concerns. I always pray for my family and there safety.  Along with the friends we teach that there hearts may be open to feel the spirit. I know that God loveth all of his children, and He is always wanting to hear our own prayers. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen. 
Transfer Day

Monday, April 22, 2019

Leaving the Island of Martha's Vineyard to a new area

Cleaning up on the beach
Repairing the Greenhouse
On the Ferry
The Brown Family
Brown Family
Baptism of Rodrigo in the Ocean
Crab on the beach
The chicken coop we cleaned 
Jamie Norton's Chicken Coop
Rodrigo's Baptism at Madieras Cove in Oak Bluffs Beach
Cleaning up the Beach in Degertown
On top of the Greenhouse with Elder Mulitalo
Cute Brown Family Kiddies
Cute Brown Family Kiddie
Beautiful Sunset
On the ferry ride
Zone Conference in Cambridge

      Oh boy was it a long and busy week. Well it was Easter weekend, we had zone conference, I hit my 6 month mark, did some service we got Transfer texts and we had a baptism!
    Monday, really nothing happened, we had planned on going off Island to do a District P-day,  along with  Zone Conference on Wednesday, but it was raining pretty bad and super windy so the ferry got canceled. We hung out at our place and did some cleaning. Unfortunately we did not go shopping because the place we go shopping is on strike and is closed all week. Luckily we do have lots of food at our home.
     Tuesday morning we started our journey to the mainland, that morning we had packed and got ready to leave. It was a decent ferry ride over but pretty fun. As we arrived at Brewsters apartment we helped move some stuff out because in May they are going to be in a new apartment. We got a call from some other Elders informing us we have been giving the wrong number out. The strange thing is that was the same number we had last transfer when I was with Elder Foutz. After they left Elder Lemon and I starter our day exchange. We walked about a mile to do a contract attempt but sadly they weren’t there. On the way back my sunglasses must of fell out and I didn't notice until we got back to the house. So we had to bike back to find them, luckily we did. After dinner we started our finding and walked to our lesson. Though it was a lot of walking I had a great time getting to know Elder Lemon even more.
     Wednesday was already going to be a long day because we had to wake up by 5am to leave by 6am to get to Zone Conference on time. We had to drive at least 2 hours, that’s without hitting any traffic going through Boston so we could make it to Cambridge. To celebrate my 6 months we stopped by McDonald's for breakfast and it was pretty good. The focus on Zone Conference was the last week of Christ and the events that led up to his resurrection. One thing I learned was they offered Jesus Christ vinegar and gall, which would act as a pain numer but he denied it. The reason is so that he WOULD feel the full pains and afflictions for each and every one of us, along with when the spirit left his body. He was able to feel both spiritual and physical pain, just so he can be our comforter and he does understand how we feel. We broke into groups with a focus on Baptism and helping prepare our friends we are teaching for baptism. It was good to have to best help our friends on their path to baptism. After we had to leave so we could catch the ferry to go home. While we got on, there was a stunning sunset, which I was so happy to see; it was perfect way to end they long day. Before we did get to our home I celebrated my 6-month mark by burning a tie next step is a shirt at my year mark.
     Thursday, we were able to go do some service with Jamie Norton on the family farm. He wasn’t free until after lunch so we did some studies, and because of the early day yesterday I was super tired and took a 30 min nap. When I woke up I thought it was the next day. Jamie was able to pick us up and we walked to the chicken coop. We helped clean out the floor of the chicken coop, and oh boy  it did not smell good. We helped scoop and shovel all of it, along with collect the eggs. He needed the help before he gets more chickens next week. He was super appreciative and we let him know next time he needs help just to let us know, we could make the time to help. That night we went over to visit Sister Maurice for dinner, both President and Adam Biliduea came with. Presidents mother was on island, and she’s from Old Saybrooke, that’s part of my last area in Madison, so I thought it was pretty cool! It is always fun to have dinner at member’s homes to see and feel the spirit they bring to us.
     Friday, we made our trip back to the mainland for the last District Council of this transfer. While waiting for our ride, there were members of another ward in Massachusetts that stopped and we were able to talk to them for a little, it was there first time to the Island. We then left to the Cape Cod Chapel for our District Council. The focus was on always being in sight and hearing of your companion. We made a plan to have more Companionship Unity. We then helped each other start to memorize "The Living Christ" it sure will be a tough challenge, because it’s pretty long. As we arrived back to the Island we once again did some service for Jamie Norton. We helped fix 3 panels on the top of the farms green house, and it was sure a little windy. Fixing the panels are much easier as we have experience fixing them.  After we finished, we went with Johnathan Norton (his son) through the sheep pen so it was fun to see lots of sheep. While waiting for Jamie to return with dinner, we played (hit and tossed) some baseball, and I was not good at all. Wrestling sure was the sport for me. Jamie bought us some pizza for helping out and we got to know him more. To end the night we went to the chapel to work on Rodrigo’s Baptismal Program. It took forever.  A couple computers wouldn’t work, one wouldn’t print, so we used the oldest one to print them, but they could only print one side at a time,  luckily we were able to get it all worked out.
     Saturday, in the morning the transfer texts came in. I am sadly leaving Martha’s Vineyard. The Branch here has become family to me. I know for sure I will come back to visit after my mission. Soon after we joined the Biliduea family and went to help with the beach clean up. We helped at a beach in Edgertown, it was the one with the light house. We wore our "Mormon helping hands" shirts to put our selves out there. It was fun helping clean up the beach and walking by the water. It was really good weather, it wasn’t too cold or to hot.  It was a little windy but all in all super fun. We then came home to get ready for the Baptism! It was a really good turn out, and lots of support from the members. Rodrigo will definitely be watched over from the wonderful members here. His baptism was in the ocean at Madieras Cove in Oak Bluffs. The reason being here on the Vineyard we have no baptismal font. It was by far the coolest experience I’ve had on my mission so far. After his baptism we came home and I started to pack and get ready for transfers.
      Sunday, Easter is always a wonderful Holiday to remember Christ and the Greatest Miracle there has ever been or ever will be. Christ’s resurrection is a reminder to me that what he did, was out of the love he has for us. Because of his sacrifice, we can overcome a physical death and be able to live with our families for all eternity. In sacrament I bore my testimony and my love I have for the Members and friends I have served around here. The talks were on the atonement and Christ's Greatest Miracle. To some people, I said my last goodbyes at least for know. To end the night we went to the Brown Families home for dinner. They had invited some friends over for Easter. It was fun to get to know them and about there lives on the Island. For our Lesson we watched "He is Risen". The lady really enjoyed it. She stated to ask what our beliefs are and about the Book of Mormon. It was awesome to share my testimony of the power of the Book of Mormon with her. We ended with giving her a copy so she can have her own and simply invited her to read and pray about it. Right before we left, I got my Goodbye pictures with the wonderful Brown family. The last thing we really did that night was call and talk to our families because it is Easter! It was fun to see a lot of my aunts, uncles and cousins.

                    3rd Nephi 5:13
 "13 Behold, I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I have been called of him to declare his word among his people, that they might have everlasting life."

     Though I am sad to leave this area right before it’s about to get warm, and more work will be able to get done, I am a disciple of Christ. I will faithfully and willingly go to where ever I am called. I know there was someone here that needed me, I know there was someone in Madison that needed me, and I know there will be someone in Framingham, who needs me. I am called to a variety of different areas to help the children in that area so that they might have a knowledge and understanding of the truthfulness of this wonderful Gospel. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Monday, April 15, 2019

Rainy Week with some new friends

East Chop Light House with Rod and Elder Halsell
Exchange with Elder Halsell
Sending Package to home
The small ladder to get the smoke detector
East Chop House Light House
East Chop House Light House
Exchanges with Elder Halsell
At a Lake
At a Lake with Elder Mulitalo

Week 26 4-15-9 
 It sure has been a week full of rain, sadly, not to much teaching got done but we are still serving the Lord! Monday’s these past few weeks have been pretty slow because of the rain and snow. We relaxed at home and did some cleaning of the house, as Monday was just a slow day in general.
     Tuesday was pretty good, we got in contact with the Cape Cod branch to go over tomorrow and meet with a couple less active members! We also had to go to Edgertown to pick up my meds, and as we walked out the bus was right there, we were in perfect time to hop on! When we arrived home we called a few friends to see how they were doing, and hoped to set up appointments for lessons. We didn’t have much luck but we left messages and hoped to hear back from them soon.
      Wednesday, as we were getting ready for the day, we got a text from Brother Sparta and said he had to work later that day, so that canceled our plans for going over to Cape Cod. Around that same time we would be leaving on the ferry (if we did go over) we got a call from Brother Powell asking for some help doing some service. He picked us up and we went back to his house to move some big and heavy glass windows. We put them in the back of his truck then we went off to the town dump. He then took us out for a treat at A7. On the way back home we stopped by a pond that was owned by one of his old relatives in the 1900's (I could be wrong on the date). That morning both of us got our haircuts for the transfers. Elder Mulitalo cut my hair, because I’m not skilled enough to do it myself, at least not yet. That night we decided to make some spaghetti and I spilled some sauce on my leg. OOPS!
      Thursday, we had a good morning, I was able to fix the extra long jump rope to be more my size. Now I can use it in my morning workouts! Later that day, we went to go drop off my package to send home at the post office. We waiting 15 minutes for the bus before we realized it was lunch break for them, after 5 minutes of walking it ended up passing us. I used my bag to help hold my package so I could use my hands to look at messages we got and respond to our friends with uplifting thoughts. As we arrived home we prepared our lesson for District Council for tomorrow. Our lesson focus was on the power of the spirit in conversion. Each one of us should continue to feel the spirit so we can continue to be more converted and come closer to Christ. Another way as missionaries we feel the spirit is having a clean home. I decided to clean out  & dejunk the closets. With some rules we chose to follow, we are getting rid of 3 bags of toys and games so we can be more missionary focused! In our “zion closet” there was around 10 photos we put up around our home. Now I can feel the spirit even more!
     Friday, we were going off Island to be at District Council. As we were preparing for the day, we didn’t leave in time for the ferry at 9:30. So we had to wait for the 10:45am one around 10:15am our smoke alarm went off! But it was only one of them, turns out, something was wrong with it. We had to go find a ladder but we grabbed the shortest one, and it was like 20ft long. We changed the battery and it was still acting weird, so we let President Bilodeou’s secretary know. We then made our trip to the mainland. We had an awesome lesson on the spirit in conversion! After our lesson we headed back to the ferry, but we started our exchanges so I was going back with Elder Halsell. We were able to hop on the freight ferry, one made to take over bigger cars and trucks. It was pretty fun. As we got back we came straight to our apartment. We were hungry so we decided to have a quick lunch. While eating president Bilodeou came over to check out the smoke alarm and even he was confused so he had to remove it. After he left, we left to Oak Bluffs for contact attempts and visit with friends in the area. We first stopped by Melissa and the Benoit family, and we talked to them for a while to get to know them a little more. We were able to set up an appointment to come back and have lesson with all of them, we cant wait! After them we went to visit Rod, he has been really busy lately so it was awesome to sit down and have a lesson with him. We were expecting to just come in and read from the Book of Mormon with him, but we ended up starting into the Plan of Happiness, Gods plan for us. He truly did open up even more and he had lots of questions and expressed his concerns. We were really happy we were there at the right time to help him. He was able to take us home but he first took us to see the East Chop Lighthouse.
     Saturday, we had an early appointment at 9am with Rodrigo and Warley. Even when we got there the kids were still waking up. Elder Halsell our district leader was able to interview Rodrigo for his baptism and he passed! We are so happy for him and now we start getting all the details ready! After his interview we talked about the importance of reading from the Book of Mormon and the spiritual insight we can get from it. With how bad it was raining Warley was able to take us to the ferry so we could avoid the rain and stay dry. On the way back we did an evaluation of our exchange, one thing he loves about me is how personable I am and how I can relate to anyone. It is an amazing habit to have in life and especially a missionary. When we got to Woods Hole we exchanged back and Elder Mulitalo and I hopped back on the ferry to make it back to our place. For me it was an hour and thirty minutes just on the ferry. Skip forward a few hours we made our way to the Polley’s for dinner, they didn’t have it ready so we went with brother Polley’s to get some “Wolfs Den Pizza" for dinner. They have a pizza that tastes like a Big Mac from McDonald's and it was pretty good! While waiting for the order we were able to talk with a friends of his and he had a few good questions. As we arrived back at the Polley’s home, we were able to do a real lesson. Audrey had a couple of friends over and one was interested in what we believe. We gave her a Book of Mormon and she is excited to start reading from it. She wasn’t really religious, so we talked about the Gospel of Jesus Christ and shared from all the lessons. She had so many awesome questions and we helped answer her questions the best we could. Both Brother and Sister Polley’s shared some amazing experiences and they did awesome member missionary work.
     Sunday is always the best day of the week. It’s the day we are able to partake of the Sacrament in remembrance of Jesus Christ and our Baptismal Covenants. In preparation for Easter and Christ’s resurrection this upcoming Sunday we had two wonderful talks to help us ponder throughout the week. The first was on the atonement and the second on repentance. In Elders Quorum our lesson was on trusting in Gods timing. He will bless you when it will mean the most.  We are as matches, the flame is small but it can grown to be mighty and powerful. Just as we should always continue to grow trust in him.

                  2nd Nephi 2:6-8
   "6 Wherefore, redemption cometh in and through the Holy Messiah; for he is full of grace and truth.
7 Behold, he offereth himself a sacrifice for sin, to answer the ends of the law, unto all those who have a broken heart and a contrite spirit; and unto none else can the ends of the law be answered.
8 Wherefore, how great the importance to make these things known unto the inhabitants of the earth, that they may know that there is no flesh that can dwell in the presence of God, save it be through the merits, and mercy, and grace of the Holy Messiah, who layeth down his life according to the flesh, and taketh it again by the power of the Spirit, that he may bring to pass the resurrection of the dead, being the first that should rise."

      Not only did Jesus Christ die for our sins, he also suffered the pains and afflictions for each and every one of us. He is just full of love for God and all of us being his spiritual brothers and sisters.  If he had to die on the cross for just one person just so they could be saved, he would, that's how much love he has for us. He gave up everything so that all of us would be able to return to live him and our Heavenly father again.

 I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Week 25 General Conference Weekend

Dogs Remmy and Sailor
African Dish
Elder Knowlden and Mulitalo
Browns Kids Eleanor, Maybelline, Harrison
Dogs Remmy and Sailor
Elder Pulu visiting my Sister Kaylee

Elder Pulu visiting my Mom and Dad

A members chicks

This is what I'm sharing, The Book of Mormon and the Restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ
Moving Mattresses
Youth Activity
While Tracting

Week 25
      I hope everyone had a great week, this week was pretty awesome, we watched General Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and there were so many wonderful talks focused on trying to be better. We even witnessed a wonderful miracle in district council.
      Monday, it was a regular P-day for the most part. We went out shopping around lunch time to get groceries for the week. While on the way we got a call from brother Powell to check up on us. He was at the store at the same time so he said he could give us a ride. While on the way back he asked us if we had time to do service, and so we helped him out. We helped to bring a few box springs and mattress downstairs and help set up a wooden bunk bed. He was very appreciative because it was easily a two-man job. He gladly provided lunch for us helping out. The rest of the day we finished up our laundry and cleaned our place.
      Tuesday was a little slower. Elder Mulitalos allergies were acting up pretty bad so he relaxed and I did some studies. With how busy we were on Monday and doing service we went to the chapel to do some stuff on the computers. I added some spiritual and uplifting music to my phone, so I can have it easier to play and listen to. That night we had a later dinner then expected, but Brother Brown was able to pick us up. Our message was on when Alma repented of his sins and was filled with absolute and pure Joy.
     Wednesday, in the morning I called my wonderful therapist to do my check up. She definitely has helped me a lot. She has helped me with spiritual insights,  for me to focus in times of need. I was able to write a few letters home to share some spiritual insights and love for my siblings. I still have more letters to write, but just need the spiritual insight to know how to best help them. With that being said of you want a hand written letter, just send me an email or message on facebook and I’ll get one written.  It will be written with love haha. Adam Biliduea (President Bilodeous son) recently returned from his mission from Angola and made us a African dish for dinner, and oh boy was it spicy. He dropped it off a little later so we had it after our appointment with Warley and Rodrigo. While in our lesson we were getting more details on Rodrigos Baptism that will be in 2 weeks, right before transfers. We are both so happy and excited for him! With the new change I was able to call and talk to my family for my dads 60th birthday, but he’s just wise in age not old. He has taught me so much, so I am very thankful for him!
     Thursday, in comp studies we called Brother Powell to check on him because he had gotten a blessing the night before. He wasn’t doing to well, so we asked if there was anything we could do to help. We ended up going to his house to help with some service. We took down a bed and moved it into the outside shed to make room for someone moving in. He was very grateful and he gave us a few movies to give to some friends that we are teaching. He then told us as we finished we could make an icecream smoothie. We made a banana and peanut butter and chocolate smoothie, it was pretty good. On the way home, we were stopped by a friend of President Bilodeous and he gave us a ride home. We were very thankful, because it would of taken so much longer with the bus and walking. We had a good conversation with him and he was appreciative of what we do as missionaries. To end the night we went to the young men’s & young women’s activity. They were talking about the gathering of Zion and Temple Work, so we helped out a little bit and it was really fun.
     Friday, was a day with a miracle. We had to get on the 9:30am ferry to Woodshole so we could be at District Council, we arrived earlier then the other elders, so we went into the terminal to wait.  While on the way we saw a man that was really well dressed and I just waved and smiled. Our District Council lesson was pretty awesome, our focus was on the importance of leaving a commitment, as it helps our friends grow in their faith. As we were about to end that same well dressed man knocked on the door. As he came in, he was in tears and he was apologetic. He said “at the ferry terminal I saw two men and they were missionaries, (me and my companion) I had a strong feeling because I saw them I needed to return". He is a member, but he hasn’t been active for a while.  He didn’t know if he was kicked out or what so he said he needed our help so he could return. He was able to call the Cape Cod Branch President. It’s crazy that we were at the right spot, at the right time for this Child of God truly wants to return to the Gospel. Before he left he told us "if any of you have doubts, don’t, the Gospel is true". This was truly a wonderful experience to be apart of. We plan on meeting him on Wednesday to help him the best we can. After our talk with him we had a small choir practice for Zone Conference in a couple weeks. I’m not a singer but it’s going to be okay. To end the night, we had a late dinner with the Polley’s, with our focus on helping them recognizing how we can see God’s hand in our life, even in the little things. Sister Polley’s always bares a wonderful testimony on our spiritual thoughts.
     Saturday, well if you are from Utah or are a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, you probably know how today was spent. It was the 189th Annual General Conference. Our day was spent with the Biliduea family at there lovely home. There were so many talks that I just loved in all the sessions. During both breaks we played a few rounds of billard’s pool and ping pong, but during the first break we got caught in a nerf  gun war with Adam Biliduea. It was pretty fun but kind of scary. The priesthood session was also at Presidents home and once again many beautiful talks were given. President Neilson gave a wonderful talk on repentance and that we should not wait to become closer to God.
     Sunday, once again it’s still General Conference and I was ready to be lifted by the spirit. The first session was at the chapel and it was nice. We had the back computer room to ourselves. We synced two computers so it was like surround sound. We dimmed the lights and listened in. After that we had a little bit of stuff to do before we had to head to the bus. So we listened to the world news from the church. We got a little comfortable so when we looked at the time, we had to hurry and run to catch the bus on time. We had to run around a mile, and we are in church cloths so it wasn’t to fun. We did get to the bus on time, so it was nice. As we got to the Brown’s they were leaving to a park so we joined them. We played there for about 20 minutes them came home for the last session. It was so fun. I cannot wait for the next conference. This time eight new temples were announced! To end the night we had outside games and then dinner. Dinners at the Brown's are always fun, full of questions and laughter, but even more crazy kids. When we arrived home and got a Bible referral for the Cape Cod area, but he only speaks spanish. All I can say is thank you Google translate.

                        Alma 34:33
    "33 And now, as I said unto you before, as ye have had so many witnesses, therefore, I beseech of you that ye do not procrastinate the day of your repentance until the end; for after this day of life, which is given us to prepare for eternity, behold, if we do not improve our time while in this life, then cometh the night of darkness wherein there can be no labor performed."

     If I have learned just one thing from General Conference this pretty much sums it up. These truly are the last days, and we should not wait to be forgiven. As we know or come to know about the blessings of being righteous we would want to repent of all our sins. Another big thing is asking to be better, to help those around us and for strength to be helped and courage to get through our trials. Do not procrastinate our repentance until the last day, for we never know when it will be. We will be judged on our actions, and as we willingly and knowingly push off repentance it will not be easy. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.