Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Week 25 General Conference Weekend

Dogs Remmy and Sailor
African Dish
Elder Knowlden and Mulitalo
Browns Kids Eleanor, Maybelline, Harrison
Dogs Remmy and Sailor
Elder Pulu visiting my Sister Kaylee

Elder Pulu visiting my Mom and Dad

A members chicks

This is what I'm sharing, The Book of Mormon and the Restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ
Moving Mattresses
Youth Activity
While Tracting

Week 25
      I hope everyone had a great week, this week was pretty awesome, we watched General Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and there were so many wonderful talks focused on trying to be better. We even witnessed a wonderful miracle in district council.
      Monday, it was a regular P-day for the most part. We went out shopping around lunch time to get groceries for the week. While on the way we got a call from brother Powell to check up on us. He was at the store at the same time so he said he could give us a ride. While on the way back he asked us if we had time to do service, and so we helped him out. We helped to bring a few box springs and mattress downstairs and help set up a wooden bunk bed. He was very appreciative because it was easily a two-man job. He gladly provided lunch for us helping out. The rest of the day we finished up our laundry and cleaned our place.
      Tuesday was a little slower. Elder Mulitalos allergies were acting up pretty bad so he relaxed and I did some studies. With how busy we were on Monday and doing service we went to the chapel to do some stuff on the computers. I added some spiritual and uplifting music to my phone, so I can have it easier to play and listen to. That night we had a later dinner then expected, but Brother Brown was able to pick us up. Our message was on when Alma repented of his sins and was filled with absolute and pure Joy.
     Wednesday, in the morning I called my wonderful therapist to do my check up. She definitely has helped me a lot. She has helped me with spiritual insights,  for me to focus in times of need. I was able to write a few letters home to share some spiritual insights and love for my siblings. I still have more letters to write, but just need the spiritual insight to know how to best help them. With that being said of you want a hand written letter, just send me an email or message on facebook and I’ll get one written.  It will be written with love haha. Adam Biliduea (President Bilodeous son) recently returned from his mission from Angola and made us a African dish for dinner, and oh boy was it spicy. He dropped it off a little later so we had it after our appointment with Warley and Rodrigo. While in our lesson we were getting more details on Rodrigos Baptism that will be in 2 weeks, right before transfers. We are both so happy and excited for him! With the new change I was able to call and talk to my family for my dads 60th birthday, but he’s just wise in age not old. He has taught me so much, so I am very thankful for him!
     Thursday, in comp studies we called Brother Powell to check on him because he had gotten a blessing the night before. He wasn’t doing to well, so we asked if there was anything we could do to help. We ended up going to his house to help with some service. We took down a bed and moved it into the outside shed to make room for someone moving in. He was very grateful and he gave us a few movies to give to some friends that we are teaching. He then told us as we finished we could make an icecream smoothie. We made a banana and peanut butter and chocolate smoothie, it was pretty good. On the way home, we were stopped by a friend of President Bilodeous and he gave us a ride home. We were very thankful, because it would of taken so much longer with the bus and walking. We had a good conversation with him and he was appreciative of what we do as missionaries. To end the night we went to the young men’s & young women’s activity. They were talking about the gathering of Zion and Temple Work, so we helped out a little bit and it was really fun.
     Friday, was a day with a miracle. We had to get on the 9:30am ferry to Woodshole so we could be at District Council, we arrived earlier then the other elders, so we went into the terminal to wait.  While on the way we saw a man that was really well dressed and I just waved and smiled. Our District Council lesson was pretty awesome, our focus was on the importance of leaving a commitment, as it helps our friends grow in their faith. As we were about to end that same well dressed man knocked on the door. As he came in, he was in tears and he was apologetic. He said “at the ferry terminal I saw two men and they were missionaries, (me and my companion) I had a strong feeling because I saw them I needed to return". He is a member, but he hasn’t been active for a while.  He didn’t know if he was kicked out or what so he said he needed our help so he could return. He was able to call the Cape Cod Branch President. It’s crazy that we were at the right spot, at the right time for this Child of God truly wants to return to the Gospel. Before he left he told us "if any of you have doubts, don’t, the Gospel is true". This was truly a wonderful experience to be apart of. We plan on meeting him on Wednesday to help him the best we can. After our talk with him we had a small choir practice for Zone Conference in a couple weeks. I’m not a singer but it’s going to be okay. To end the night, we had a late dinner with the Polley’s, with our focus on helping them recognizing how we can see God’s hand in our life, even in the little things. Sister Polley’s always bares a wonderful testimony on our spiritual thoughts.
     Saturday, well if you are from Utah or are a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, you probably know how today was spent. It was the 189th Annual General Conference. Our day was spent with the Biliduea family at there lovely home. There were so many talks that I just loved in all the sessions. During both breaks we played a few rounds of billard’s pool and ping pong, but during the first break we got caught in a nerf  gun war with Adam Biliduea. It was pretty fun but kind of scary. The priesthood session was also at Presidents home and once again many beautiful talks were given. President Neilson gave a wonderful talk on repentance and that we should not wait to become closer to God.
     Sunday, once again it’s still General Conference and I was ready to be lifted by the spirit. The first session was at the chapel and it was nice. We had the back computer room to ourselves. We synced two computers so it was like surround sound. We dimmed the lights and listened in. After that we had a little bit of stuff to do before we had to head to the bus. So we listened to the world news from the church. We got a little comfortable so when we looked at the time, we had to hurry and run to catch the bus on time. We had to run around a mile, and we are in church cloths so it wasn’t to fun. We did get to the bus on time, so it was nice. As we got to the Brown’s they were leaving to a park so we joined them. We played there for about 20 minutes them came home for the last session. It was so fun. I cannot wait for the next conference. This time eight new temples were announced! To end the night we had outside games and then dinner. Dinners at the Brown's are always fun, full of questions and laughter, but even more crazy kids. When we arrived home and got a Bible referral for the Cape Cod area, but he only speaks spanish. All I can say is thank you Google translate.

                        Alma 34:33
    "33 And now, as I said unto you before, as ye have had so many witnesses, therefore, I beseech of you that ye do not procrastinate the day of your repentance until the end; for after this day of life, which is given us to prepare for eternity, behold, if we do not improve our time while in this life, then cometh the night of darkness wherein there can be no labor performed."

     If I have learned just one thing from General Conference this pretty much sums it up. These truly are the last days, and we should not wait to be forgiven. As we know or come to know about the blessings of being righteous we would want to repent of all our sins. Another big thing is asking to be better, to help those around us and for strength to be helped and courage to get through our trials. Do not procrastinate our repentance until the last day, for we never know when it will be. We will be judged on our actions, and as we willingly and knowingly push off repentance it will not be easy. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

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