Monday, April 22, 2019

Leaving the Island of Martha's Vineyard to a new area

Cleaning up on the beach
Repairing the Greenhouse
On the Ferry
The Brown Family
Brown Family
Baptism of Rodrigo in the Ocean
Crab on the beach
The chicken coop we cleaned 
Jamie Norton's Chicken Coop
Rodrigo's Baptism at Madieras Cove in Oak Bluffs Beach
Cleaning up the Beach in Degertown
On top of the Greenhouse with Elder Mulitalo
Cute Brown Family Kiddies
Cute Brown Family Kiddie
Beautiful Sunset
On the ferry ride
Zone Conference in Cambridge

      Oh boy was it a long and busy week. Well it was Easter weekend, we had zone conference, I hit my 6 month mark, did some service we got Transfer texts and we had a baptism!
    Monday, really nothing happened, we had planned on going off Island to do a District P-day,  along with  Zone Conference on Wednesday, but it was raining pretty bad and super windy so the ferry got canceled. We hung out at our place and did some cleaning. Unfortunately we did not go shopping because the place we go shopping is on strike and is closed all week. Luckily we do have lots of food at our home.
     Tuesday morning we started our journey to the mainland, that morning we had packed and got ready to leave. It was a decent ferry ride over but pretty fun. As we arrived at Brewsters apartment we helped move some stuff out because in May they are going to be in a new apartment. We got a call from some other Elders informing us we have been giving the wrong number out. The strange thing is that was the same number we had last transfer when I was with Elder Foutz. After they left Elder Lemon and I starter our day exchange. We walked about a mile to do a contract attempt but sadly they weren’t there. On the way back my sunglasses must of fell out and I didn't notice until we got back to the house. So we had to bike back to find them, luckily we did. After dinner we started our finding and walked to our lesson. Though it was a lot of walking I had a great time getting to know Elder Lemon even more.
     Wednesday was already going to be a long day because we had to wake up by 5am to leave by 6am to get to Zone Conference on time. We had to drive at least 2 hours, that’s without hitting any traffic going through Boston so we could make it to Cambridge. To celebrate my 6 months we stopped by McDonald's for breakfast and it was pretty good. The focus on Zone Conference was the last week of Christ and the events that led up to his resurrection. One thing I learned was they offered Jesus Christ vinegar and gall, which would act as a pain numer but he denied it. The reason is so that he WOULD feel the full pains and afflictions for each and every one of us, along with when the spirit left his body. He was able to feel both spiritual and physical pain, just so he can be our comforter and he does understand how we feel. We broke into groups with a focus on Baptism and helping prepare our friends we are teaching for baptism. It was good to have to best help our friends on their path to baptism. After we had to leave so we could catch the ferry to go home. While we got on, there was a stunning sunset, which I was so happy to see; it was perfect way to end they long day. Before we did get to our home I celebrated my 6-month mark by burning a tie next step is a shirt at my year mark.
     Thursday, we were able to go do some service with Jamie Norton on the family farm. He wasn’t free until after lunch so we did some studies, and because of the early day yesterday I was super tired and took a 30 min nap. When I woke up I thought it was the next day. Jamie was able to pick us up and we walked to the chicken coop. We helped clean out the floor of the chicken coop, and oh boy  it did not smell good. We helped scoop and shovel all of it, along with collect the eggs. He needed the help before he gets more chickens next week. He was super appreciative and we let him know next time he needs help just to let us know, we could make the time to help. That night we went over to visit Sister Maurice for dinner, both President and Adam Biliduea came with. Presidents mother was on island, and she’s from Old Saybrooke, that’s part of my last area in Madison, so I thought it was pretty cool! It is always fun to have dinner at member’s homes to see and feel the spirit they bring to us.
     Friday, we made our trip back to the mainland for the last District Council of this transfer. While waiting for our ride, there were members of another ward in Massachusetts that stopped and we were able to talk to them for a little, it was there first time to the Island. We then left to the Cape Cod Chapel for our District Council. The focus was on always being in sight and hearing of your companion. We made a plan to have more Companionship Unity. We then helped each other start to memorize "The Living Christ" it sure will be a tough challenge, because it’s pretty long. As we arrived back to the Island we once again did some service for Jamie Norton. We helped fix 3 panels on the top of the farms green house, and it was sure a little windy. Fixing the panels are much easier as we have experience fixing them.  After we finished, we went with Johnathan Norton (his son) through the sheep pen so it was fun to see lots of sheep. While waiting for Jamie to return with dinner, we played (hit and tossed) some baseball, and I was not good at all. Wrestling sure was the sport for me. Jamie bought us some pizza for helping out and we got to know him more. To end the night we went to the chapel to work on Rodrigo’s Baptismal Program. It took forever.  A couple computers wouldn’t work, one wouldn’t print, so we used the oldest one to print them, but they could only print one side at a time,  luckily we were able to get it all worked out.
     Saturday, in the morning the transfer texts came in. I am sadly leaving Martha’s Vineyard. The Branch here has become family to me. I know for sure I will come back to visit after my mission. Soon after we joined the Biliduea family and went to help with the beach clean up. We helped at a beach in Edgertown, it was the one with the light house. We wore our "Mormon helping hands" shirts to put our selves out there. It was fun helping clean up the beach and walking by the water. It was really good weather, it wasn’t too cold or to hot.  It was a little windy but all in all super fun. We then came home to get ready for the Baptism! It was a really good turn out, and lots of support from the members. Rodrigo will definitely be watched over from the wonderful members here. His baptism was in the ocean at Madieras Cove in Oak Bluffs. The reason being here on the Vineyard we have no baptismal font. It was by far the coolest experience I’ve had on my mission so far. After his baptism we came home and I started to pack and get ready for transfers.
      Sunday, Easter is always a wonderful Holiday to remember Christ and the Greatest Miracle there has ever been or ever will be. Christ’s resurrection is a reminder to me that what he did, was out of the love he has for us. Because of his sacrifice, we can overcome a physical death and be able to live with our families for all eternity. In sacrament I bore my testimony and my love I have for the Members and friends I have served around here. The talks were on the atonement and Christ's Greatest Miracle. To some people, I said my last goodbyes at least for know. To end the night we went to the Brown Families home for dinner. They had invited some friends over for Easter. It was fun to get to know them and about there lives on the Island. For our Lesson we watched "He is Risen". The lady really enjoyed it. She stated to ask what our beliefs are and about the Book of Mormon. It was awesome to share my testimony of the power of the Book of Mormon with her. We ended with giving her a copy so she can have her own and simply invited her to read and pray about it. Right before we left, I got my Goodbye pictures with the wonderful Brown family. The last thing we really did that night was call and talk to our families because it is Easter! It was fun to see a lot of my aunts, uncles and cousins.

                    3rd Nephi 5:13
 "13 Behold, I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I have been called of him to declare his word among his people, that they might have everlasting life."

     Though I am sad to leave this area right before it’s about to get warm, and more work will be able to get done, I am a disciple of Christ. I will faithfully and willingly go to where ever I am called. I know there was someone here that needed me, I know there was someone in Madison that needed me, and I know there will be someone in Framingham, who needs me. I am called to a variety of different areas to help the children in that area so that they might have a knowledge and understanding of the truthfulness of this wonderful Gospel. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

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