Wednesday, May 8, 2019

We are the Moving Missionaries for the Mission

5 guys burger and Fry's, Fry's,Frys
Playing Tennis
We are the Moving Missionaries
My friend the White Husky

Week 29  5-6-19
  Oh boy had it been a long and tiring week. We have just kept so busy and got a lot of great work done. Monday was a pretty fun p-day we did the usual cleaning and shopping. After we finished we decided to go play some tennis, the funny thing is there wasn’t any nets so we really just messed around. Elder and Sister Wilde (office missionaries) wanted to take us out to dinner, but as we were getting ready to leave and meet them our truck wouldn’t start. We had to call them and they were able to help jump start the truck to get it working again. With it being later then we wanted we went to five guys for dinner. We got large fries and then Elder Wilde gave us his, we got so many fries it looked like we had five larges not three. After dinner we went over to visit Charline Jesus a recent convert, she wasn’t feeling to well and asked us for a blessing. It was an amazing experience to help with a blessing.
     Tuesday through Thursday we got so busy with helping with moves. Yeah I have an assignment with being here in Framingham and we are “Moving Elders” so we help move the furniture around and help missionaries move into new places when needed. Tuesday was a long day we removed all the furniture out of a senior comps apartment who went home, then moved it into a new apartment in a new area. We then had dinner at a less active families home and I fell in love there, they had so many different animals and it made me so happy! Wednesday we traveled down to Brewster to help them move into a new apartment, the house they were in got sold. It was a long day but we had lots of fun on the road. For lunch we went out to Captain Parkers and had delicious burgers! For dinner we were at the Escobars home and we got to know them even more. They are hoping to go through the Temple soon! We are so excited for them. Oh yeah, they are the family with the white Husky!
 Alright now Thursday, our final and biggest move for the week! It was in Boston and it was hard to do with the trailer. The apartment we were at had just a small space to back into, so we even had to use our road cones to protect the truck. Luckily we had 4 other Elders helping us out. One of the elders was convinced we couldn’t fit in everything. Our job was to pack in and play tetris with all the furniture.  While the other elders brought everything down. We even got a little worried it wouldn’t all fit. Luckily it did and we ended up having a lot of extra space. I was super happy because they had Panda Express just down the road and they only have a few here in the east coast. After our quick lunch we left to the storage unit to drop everything off. We met up with Elder and Sister Rasmussen and they helped unload and organize it. Perks of being a moving elder, we both have new amazing dressers, a new bookshelf, and a new couch! It was a really fun but long day. For our dinner we went to a part members home and we ended up giving the non-member a blessing. It was awesome to see the faith he has in the power of the priesthood.
     Alright back to normal missionary stuff, first thing we did for the day was District Council. It was a good lesson on getting members more involved in missionary work. After out meeting we all set down for a mission call from President.  He went over goals for the mission along with letting everyone know that next transfer we will be getting the North Shore Zone (Stake) back into the mission. This Zone right now is part of the New Hampshire Mission. We are all excited for it. After we went our ways, we went to help Brother Nick Paganella with some service. With it raining we did other stuff inside. We read part of this weeks “Come Follow Me” lesson and had some good insights about it. We then went to Walmart to help him get some gallons of water and brought them inside. After that we left to change back into our Proselyting cloths then went to dinner with the Rodgers again. We had some delicious chicken wrapped in bacon.
     Saturday was such an amazing yet busy day. We had a few appointments through out the day and taught some amazing lessons. We have been talking to a few potential people throughout the week and met with them today. With a lot of hard work and a lot of stop by’s with sharing messages we found five new people to officially start teaching! It was such an awesome experience. With us being so busy all week, we knew it was all because of obedience and Gods timing. We then met a few people who didn’t have time that day but said to come back another time. For the upcoming week we have high hopes to find more friends to start teaching. Earlier in the day we witnessed a lady run into a parked car. We could tell she was super stressed and we didn’t know what to do. We knocked on the car door to see if she was okay and if we could help with anything. She was okay and we left her with a prayer of peace and comfort. While doing some stop by’s we saw an ice cream truck and it turns out Elder Giatras had never seen one before. By the end of the day I was so tired I couldn’t even function well.
     Sunday, favorite day of the week, with it being fast and testimony meeting I always try to bare my testimony. In Sunday School the lesson was on forgiveness, because the Lord will forgive us for anything, we need to forgive for even the small things. After church we went to teach a few more lessons to follow up and see how some friends were doing. After a lesson with a new friend we are teaching, we felt prompted to ask her about baptism, and she is really interested! We hope we can help her on this journey. After some lessons we came home for dinner and did some weekly planning to see how we can best help this area!

        Philemon 1:21 (new testament)
   "21 Having confidence in thy obedience I wrote unto thee, knowing that thou wilt also do more than I say."

     Even tho we were so busy this week with moving, we were still being obedient. We had no time to go find or even go teach, but as we finally had the time we went above and beyond the goal we set for finding 2 new friends teach. Some days we may not find anybody, but as we pray to find the ones who are ready, the Lord will bless us for doing his will. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen

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