Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Broken Down Truck

Helping Move

Parking Cars

Cheesecake Factory
Helping Move

Monday was a slow and lazy day, but we had lots of fun. For lunch Sister Jesus took us out to "The Cheesecake Factory" and we had lots of fun. She was so kind and just wanted us to try out her favorite restaurant.  We are so blessed haha, we would never have enough money to do that ourselves, but she insisted that she would pay for us. I was so full but she insisted I get a cheesecake. So I got a Hershey's Chocolate Bar Cheesecake and it was pretty good! We then came home and cleaned and did the usual P-day activities. We skipped dinner because lunch filled us up so much. Around 6 we started to text and call our friends for the day to check in on them. We decided to stop by Brother Rogers but when we got there it looked like no one was home. After him we tried to go visit our friend Tacia but she had friends over, so we couldn't stop by. After she let us know she couldn't meet up brother Rogers messaged us saying he was home. Luckily we didn’t go too far from his house. We had a good talk with him and he is just such a spiritual man, I can’t get over it. One of his foreign exchange students is from Italy and he gave us some Italian chocolates, they were pretty good. As missionaries we have limited miles and we were doing really good, and some Sister Missionaries in our District needed some help so we were able to help them out!
     Tuesday, we had interviews with President Mavromatis. This time was a little different. We ended up going in together as a companionship and we had a short training on goals and plans to meet our goals. "Our goals reflect the desire of our hearts". As we have a goal set in mind that we have faith in, God will help make it achievable for us. For the week we wanted one friend on date for baptism, two new friends to teach and 2 friends at church. After interviews we then went to do some tracting in our area and stopped by a lot of people on our potentials list. We didn't have much luck, but we did find out a few of them moved, so it’s a start! After doing that we tried going to a Chinese place downtown Framingham, but it opened at a later hour so we ended up just waiting for dinner. We had one last appointment before dinner and it was with Tacia. We had a good lesson on faith and praying to know for yourself! Through prayer she had a strong feeling to continue to learn. She is now going to pray about baptism! After our lesson with her we left to meet brother Kim for a late dinner at Kens Steakhouse. It was so delicious, I got a ribeye steak and it was amazingly delicious! While at dinner we watched a video that was made to make people to hate the church and stuff people think the church wants to hide from the public. We let him know all of it was and is true all of it happened and we helped explain why it happened. He really liked what we have to say. He laughed and said "if you have a testimony in the Church and Christ's Gospel this should change it". I found that amazing and yes because of a testimony it should not weaken your faith. I had a huge headache so we called up the Spanish Elders and they helped out giving me a blessing.
     Wednesday, there was a scheduled move for tomorrow (Thursday) and we also need an apartment check. We were planning on getting it Friday morning, so did a really nice deep clean of our apartment. The kitchen looks so much better now! I also did a deep clean of my bathroom. For most of the morning after studies that's what we did so we could prepare for the inspection on Friday. After cleaning we went to the mission office to drop off the vacuum that Elder Wilde let us use for the truck, we also got the new pass along cards! After we visited them we did some stop bye’s & did some daily contacting. We had Burger King for dinner. We then stopped by Clauzi because she wanted to meet with us, when we got there she wasn't there. We went back to the truck and it wouldn't start, we gave the Spanish Elders a call to see if they could help jump start it, luckily they were able to help out! While waiting for them Clauzi came home so we were then able to meet with her! She has had lots of personal experiences with the Holy Ghost and wanted to know more about it. She said on Sunday she was going to leave early and she heard a voice say "turn around, don't leave", she ended up staying for the second hour and she really liked it! Before we left she gave us some of the dinner she made. We then stopped by the Rogers to drop of a dessert for them because Brother Rogers is no longer on his diet. The truck once again stopped working and wouldn't start. So luckily brother Rogers helped us out.
     Thursday, the first thing we did in the morning was go to an appointment with Kyle at his home. We had a great time and got to know him more and his experiences with the Holy Ghost, he said from what he has felt he CAN NOT deny that and it is from God. He said that is a fact. After we left, ONCE AGAIN the truck wouldn't start, and we planned on taking it in after the move. We did not turn the car off at all. We picked up a few things from the storage unit to take to the Salvation Army store. We even were able to swap out a couch for one at our place. We shortly left and it was later then we intended so we had to reschedule our earlier appointment. When we got there the donation center was already full so we still had about 60% of what we brought. After we dropped off the furniture the truck turned off and it wouldn't turn back on. We ended up calling the missionaries in the area and they are our Zone Leaders. We charged the truck for over 30 minutes and still nothing. We called Elder Wilde, and he wasn't to happy with us, this is the 4th time in a 24 hour period it wouldn't start and he told us last night when we can bring it to a dealership to get it checked out. We were already planning on it after we got back from the move. The Spanish Elders are teaching a mechanic who was able to help us out! Also we had a tow truck on the way, and they both got there at the same time! Luckily the mechanic got it started. He took a crowbar and went under the truck, then started hitting things. All we heard was some banging, next thing he said was turn on the truck, and boom it started! We officially never turned the car off until we got home, literally! We had to first drop off the trailer at the Weston chapel. When we got back it was 5 hours later then we expected. After that we stopped by a members home to ask if we could leave it running in their driveway while we did some street contacting and buy something from the store. We then took a birthday present to someone we were teaching and yes we kept it running in the parking lot of her apartment. Today was just so stressful, it amazes me that God is truly looking out for us. If the Martha’s Vineyard Branch didn't say they could take care of the furniture, we would have all of these problems on the Island far away from all of the help we were able to get!
     Friday morning was an early one, and the very first thing we did was take in the truck to the Chevy Dealership. They were pretty much booked for the day so they said they would see what they could do. We had to call up the Spanish Elders for a ride because we were now stranded for the day. They were able to pick us, and after we went to their place to do some studies before we left to District Council. While waiting, Elder Giatras and I prepared for our lesson in District Council. We mainly had a discussion on all the trainings we have had this past transfer. There has been a big emphasis on Goals and Planning. After our lesson we had another mission wide conference call. Today we talked about using Family History to help teach people.  After that ended the Spanish Elders and us went out for a quick lunch at a Chinese buffet, wasn't the best but still good. We then came back to the chapel and we were stranded there with no car. We then started to do some weekly planning and we set up a couple of appointments with some friends. We did a lot of waiting. We eventually did get a ride from the Spanish Elders and they took us straight to the dealership because the truck got finished! They had to replace the starter. Right after we picked up the truck we left to go help brother Paganella with some yard work. We dug up a flower bed and removed a lot of weeds from it to prepare to put rocks in it to make it look more nice. We ended up doing that for most of the night, we just went to McDonald's on the way home to get smoothies, and it was so worth it.
     Saturday was a fun day we even had a move. The first thing we did was head to the Weston chapel for the trailer. We then had to break/smash some furniture it was very stress relieving. On the way to the storage unit I found a Tick on my pant leg, I was freaked out. The Rasmussen’s bought us some pizza for lunch. We went into Brockton to take a full set of furniture to some Elders who have a new apartment. While on the way we started to get transfer text and sadly Elder Giatras is leaving. The weird thing about this transfer is we get a new area three weeks into it. So Elder Giatras will be going into a trio for the first half then into his new area, He will be doing two moves. The Elders we helped were originally in a 4 Elder apartment now both companionship's have their own places. Our trailer became like the ark, two of everything. It was probably the quickest move we did, and it was great. Right after we finished we dropped off the trailer and went to a lesson with a referral we got the other day. He moved into our area and wanted to continue to learn. His name is Francis, and he didn’t have much time,  so we got to know him more and shared a message on the Title of Liberty. How we should put our faith and our trust in God first. After our lesson we had dinner with the Waltch family, Brother Waltch had been smoking ribs all day, and was so excited to try them out. We had a good talk on missionary work and about the friends we are teaching. To end with a message we talked to them about the Title of Liberty as well. We then invited them to make there own family “Title of Liberty”. We plan to follow up with them later in the week. To end the night we went to visit the Rogers and break the news to them. They are sad to see him go. We ended up having burgers and smores with them. They had a friend come over and we were able to talk to them and share a message. We would have gone home earlier but our laundry card broke so they let us wash our cloths there.
     Sunday right as we woke up we called the Zone Leaders to see if it was possible to take Francis to church because he truly wanted to come. They said it would be best to get a member to pick him up. We luckily got a hold of Brother Fejardo and he helped us out big time. At church both Kyle and Francis came! Next week we hope to have three friends come. With it being fast and testimony meeting and I feel like almost all were trusting in God, something amazing happened and even Francis bore his testimony and it was really good! For Sunday School, we talked about the Parable of the Ten Virgins. It is a meaning to prepare to see Jesus before it is too late. The question was asked “what can I do now that will prepare me to see him”. Simply by endure to the end. What that means is continue to read scriptures, pray and ask God yourself what could be stopping you, attend church and many more. After the lesson we were able to get Brother Trolio to take Francis home, and they seemed to hit it off, I know he has such strong faith and will be baptized soon. We came home to do some studies and we got another referral for a lady who just came into church. We called and set up an appointment to meet her later that day. With our new lesson we came to the Rogers earlier so we could make our lesson. While we came early they had to do other things for dinner and we had wontons instead. They were pretty great! While in the middle of everything we played  Uno attack with them all and had lots of fun. We ended up getting a call from the assistants to the president and they informed us Elder Giatras will be staying here for three more weeks, then moving to the new area. We left around 630 to make our appointment with Syndie, our referral we got earlier that day. She even asked us about baptism! She had a great feeling while at the Church, she loves how Jesus Christ is in the name of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. She has a desire to learn more and eventually be baptized! She was once baptized as a Baptist but did it at a younger age and only did it with the rest of her family. We went over the Restoration and she agrees with all of it. We felt the spirit so much and set a baptism date with her for July 13th! It was a great way to end the night.
                      Alma 46:12-13
    "12 And it came to pass that he rent his coat; and he took a piece thereof, and wrote upon it—In memory of our God, our religion, and freedom, and our peace, our wives, and our children—and he fastened it upon the end of a pole.
     13 And he fastened on his head-plate, and his breastplate, and his shields, and girded on his armor about his loins; and he took the pole, which had on the end thereof his rent coat, (and he called it the title of liberty) and he bowed himself to the earth, and he prayed mightily unto his God for the blessings of liberty to rest upon his brethren, so long as there should a band of Christians remain to possess the land"

     As we have our own “Title of Liberty”, and hold fast to our faith we will truly be protected and blessed in times of need. God is aware of us, and we should be too. When in a world where it is getting much worse, remember God in all things. We should all stay strong and God will never leave us, as we stick together in faith! I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ , Amen

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