Friday, June 14, 2019

Trust in the Lord

On the roof
Beautiful  Moth
Trio with Elder Kilpack
Moving Cement
Beautiful Moth hiding in flower
Moving Cement bags
Lunch Time
Lunch with Charline
Brother Paganelli

Wed, Jun 12, 6:52 PM

 Heads up we've been super busy so this might be a shorter email.

Monday morning we had a breakfast at J&M diner with Charline to celebrate her birthday. We also ended up going into Cambridge for a small move. We helped bring some stuff for them to help with a trio they were going to be having. After we came home to relax then head over to the Roger's for dinner.
      Tuesday morning we went over to visit Kyle and we are getting a lot of stuff accomplished with him! He has a lot of potential and he is so close to baptism. He has felt the spirit and he won't deny it. Our second lesson canceled. So we were able to help out brother Paganella with his yard. We went to Lowes to get a ton of rocks, that we placed it around his house in a pit. His yard is looking a lot better! We had a dinner later on with the Buchmans at Terra Brassil, a delicious Brazilian buffet! After we came home to clean up and prepare for our trio we will be having here in Framingham.
     Wednesday morning we came back to brother Paganellas home again because he let us wash a truck, it was much needed. Before we cleaned it we helped get more bags of rocks. Brother Paganella is a Hoot in a half, he is a funny man. After we cleaned the truck, we left to the Weston Chapel to be at transfers. We did some talking and socializing with other missionaries for a little bit. We finally got to meet our New companion Elder Kilpack, he's originally from Camdenton Missouri, but now lives in Woodscross, Utah. We went for a late lunch, then right after was a dinner with the Blake-Pierce family. We got so full! We had a good time with them. After dinner we came home to let Elder Kilpack unpack.
     Thursday we had to drop off some items to Elders in Providence Rhode Island. It was my first time in Rhode Island. We had a really fun time. So far the trio has been a lot of fun. For lunch because on moves we get money for lunch we decided to but 180 nuggets from Burger King!  We had a great time, and there were so many! As we got back to our area we left to the Roger's for dinner and a lesson with their daughter (foreign exchange student). She really just wants to know what we believe and teach. We had a great lesson on the Plan of Salvation. She found it really intriguing.
     Friday morning we got ready for the day and left off to be at District Council. It was the first time in our new District and it went really well! Our lesson was on the spirit in your own personal conversion to the work. We also talked about how we can get more involved with members. After we came back to our area for lunch then back to the chapel to do a tour with a friend we are teaching. The Buchmans came to help us out. Sadly she wasn't able to make it, so we did a video recording instead, it ended up being really good! We then rushed to 99 for dinner with Brother Lopez. It went really well and for dessert we had a chocolate chip cookie with fudge in the middle, it was so good! After dinner we had a lesson with Charline Jesus. We talked about the Word of Wisdom, and she really likes it and understands why it's there. She has seen an improvement in her self, sinse becoming a member. She even bought pizza for us, and when we got there she locked herself out. She called a maintenance worker to help us out but he could get it to work. After he left, I messed with the key and we got in. To end the night we met with Brother Buchman and Campos. He is a recent convert, and has been out of town for almost 10 months. It was great to finally meet him. He has a string desire to change and to return! We plan on doing studies with him and others soon.
     Saturday we finally had enough time to do studies in the morning. We get busy all the time so it was nice to do a full session of studies. After we left for a couple lessons we had. One fell through so we did stop bye’s and talked to people who are on our list of potentials. We then had a lesson with Francis, and he asked about the steps to baptism. He has a true desire to change and learn. He has felt the spirit so strong with us and while at church. We hope to have a date for baptism with him soon.  After him, we had a dinner/lesson with the Roger's. It was help to prepare them/help them return to church. We came home and we then had as a companionship deep conversation about the Gospel. They have been very spiritual and uplifting.
     Sunday was a crazy busy day but it went really well! After I woke up, Elder Giatris asked if I remembered last night. It turns out I was responding to them after I fell asleep, I was sleep talking. He then said what happened.  He said "Elder Knowlden, I love you". Sister Wilde called us and asked if it would okay for her and Elder Wilde to come to our chapel for today's service. She wanted to join and help out Syndie. We ended up having three friends at church today! Kyle, Francis, and Syndie, even the Roger's came today! It was awesome to see them all there. We then went to go help brother Paganella. He was handing out flags in the parade. We took the truck and the stroller full of flags and we went to try and meet him at the parade start. Along the way the traffic was really bad, we then got detoured because the streets got blocked. We then asked a cop where it started so we left to where he told us. It ended up being the end of the parade, and we got stuck in nearly an hour long traffic jam so unfortunately we missed it. Luckily he had flags with him to pass out. We then left home to get some supplies then went to dinner with the Masons. They had friends over and it was fun to be all around them. After dinner we did some stop byes for people with interest and we got a referral to a lady who ended up living in a field. At least with the address we had, we called to leave a message and we are hoping for the best. To end the night we left to the Rogers to talk with them about church, and answer any questions they had. Sister Roger's has a strong desire to return to the temple, so that's what we are working with now! We came home later then expected but we helped her a lot!

                    Proverbs 3:5-6
    "5 ¶ Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths"

    Just as this passage says, trust in the Lord, but not just trust but with all thy heart. As we trust him and pray, ask for insights and knowledge to widen your faith. As you show trust and act on faith, he will direct your path to a better future. At times it will be hard but Christ will always be there to help build you up. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

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