Wednesday, April 22, 2020

!8 Months in the Mission Field-6 more to go

Muthen Den Rock Park
Muthuen MA District
Methuen MA District 
Methuen MA District
Methuen MA District
Methuen Den Rock Park-Rock
Methuen MA-Brother Adams
Methuen Den Rock Park
Methuen MA Apartment
Methuen MA Elder Foster 

Muthuen District

Week 79    4-20-20
Weekly 18 months!!
     Monday, It basically rained all day. We called our District and did a few games of "Two Truths and a Lie". Afterwards I called home for a little bit to talk to the family.  We went shopping, when we got back and decided to go on a hike despite the rain. We went to "Den Rock Hike". It was pretty fun! When we got back we chilled out and relaxed.  I called home again, and we had dinner. Afterwards we had lesson with Brother Adam's, to end the night we had a Mission Wide FHE and we played a fun game a General Conference Kahoot!
     Tuesday was pretty fun after we got ready for the day we did our studies and then had a quick lunch. We made our way to the Chapel for a change of scenery and wrote some letters. We were expecting to be on a call for a lesson but they had to reschedule because they weren't feeling well. We then did a short exchange with the Lawrence Elders because they were at the Chapel as well. We just basically took turns being with them (1 on 1) Both of them are pretty cool! We also threw a football around along then had dinner. We came home and we prepared for our Gospel principle message at 7pm via Zoom. We had 3 people join us and were talked about "Why we need a Savior". To end the night we made a few calls and did some Facebook finding.
     Wednesday was honestly a really good day. I had a really good morning workout and got ready for the day we had daily planning and then personal studies. After studies we both made a post for our Facebook pages to help share a message. Sadly we had two lessons planned, but both of them didn’t pick up. We made some calls and sent some texts hoping to set up lessons for the coming week. We did some more Facebook finding then we had our 30 minutes of work out time for the afternoon.  Elder Foster made dinner but it wasn’t ready until 6. So we ate dinner during the Mission Fireside over Zoom.  At first there was a slide show of pictures for President Mavromaitis birthday.  The training was a Facebook finding lesson. To end the night we did a Zoom call with the Young Men from Billerica and their Leaders. It was just a fun Q and A for us.
     Thursday went pretty well. The morning was pretty normal. Getting ready, Personal studies, Comp studies and then Lunch. We then made our way to the Chapel and reached out to a couple people until we had our virtual experienchange with the Zone Leaders, it took about 2 hours and I was with Elder Lee. He actually sat by me on the plane coming into the Mission Field! It was pretty cool, we basically just got to know each other better. After that we had a Bible Referral in Dracut. We drove home picked up a Bible and made the drive down there. All we did was drop the Bible off at the porch. We then made our way home.  I was able to call the family while I made dinner. I found out my old comp Elder Foutz has COVID-19. Keep him in your prayers please ! After dinner we had an awesome lesson with Angel whom we met him through Facebook (free Bible Offer). We went over the Gospel of Jesus Christ and it was so cool to see how much he truly wants to come closer to Christ is his life! After our amazing lesson with him we then had our Zoom call with the Methuen Ward on Agency. For the rest of the night we made a few calls and did Facebook finding.  After the day of work was over we did our call ins to the members of the District. Turns out the Lynnfield Elders were at the Mission Home with the AP's. We had no clue why...
     Friday, well we found out pretty quick but they will be going home tomorrow (Saturday). They only had 28 Days left so we don’t know all what happened but they are going home “Honorably”.  After studies we had District Council and Elder Kilpack and Callahan joined in for one last time. It was all focused and extending commitments and following up. Afterwards we had lunch and then did weekly planning up until afternoon workout, then had dinner. For the rest of the night we reached out to all the part member families in Billerica ward. It took forever but we trooped through! Today I hit 18 months, didn't do too much because you know quarantine, but Woohoo 6 months left!
     Saturday was a pretty long day. It snowed a little bit too! The morning usual daily planning, studies and lunch. We went to the Chapel to do Family History. We are trying to fill a gap in my family tree, but it is hard to find this record! I also wrote a few letters, then contacted members. The Lawrence Elders were there too, so we did workout together. We played a Basketball game called 7 on the line, and I ended up winning! While we were there, Sister Day came and we were able to set up an appointment for tomorrow with her Family! For dinner we had Spaghetti. When we got back home, we did more reaching out to people. To end the night we had a lesson with Betty Ma and Sister Stapleton on the 10 Commandments!
     Sunday was good, after we woke up and got ready we were able to have Missionary Coordination with the Methuen Ward. We had personal/companion studies. At 11 we had our Mission Wide Sacrament Service where we heard some great insights from some of the missionaries. We then had lunch after Sacrament.  After lunch we reached out to many members trying to set things up. Brother Allan came to our apt to pick up some pass along cards, a couple church movies, and a Book of Mormon. He hopes to hand them out to people in need! We had a great lesson with Brother Swanson and his wife who isn’t a member. We will be sharing another message with them next week! After dinner we called some members of Billerica, to see if there was anybody they thought of that we could reach out to. We also called some of the youth leadership in Billerica. The reason being, every night we send a text to all the leaders in the Ward, and the area 70 has asked that we add the youth leaders as well! All in all, it was a pretty good day. To end the night we called the other two companionships in our District to check in on them.

                 3 Nephi 18:33

     "30 Nevertheless, ye shall not cast him out from among you, but ye shall minister unto him and shall pray for him unto the Father, in my name; and if it so be that he repenteth and is baptized in my name, then shall ye receive him, and shall minister unto him of my flesh and blood"

     There are many people who don't believe in Christ, or have left the Church.  That is not for us to judge at all, Christ said it himself, pray for them.  I know that Christ will hear our prayers and help, but they still have agency so they can choose. Let us show Christ like love and let us minister unto them. You never know when they will have a change of heart. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen                           

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