Wednesday, February 12, 2020

I'm staying in Newport Rhode Island

Rhode Island Zone Conference
Rhode Island Zone Conference

Rhode Island Navy Base
Rhode Island Navy Base

Elder Liete
Rhode Island Moon
Rhode Island Zone Conference
Rhode Island Navy Base

week 69  2-11-20
Round 3 in Newport
     Monday was really just like any other P-day. When I woke up I called the family to talk for a little bit. My sister had a two hour delay on school, because of a big snow storm that hit them in Salt Lake City. They got 8-10 inches of snow at Home. Down where I am at in Newport Rohde Island,  when it snows it is a couple of inches then it rains and all of it disappears. I was able to watch my little sister run out in the snow in shorts and a t-shirt and do a snow angel. I did that every year in just my shorts, so she is keeping up the tradition. After the call I got ready then we went shopping for the week. When we got back we had lunch then made our way to the Library. Luckily I had my email already written up so all I did was send it. After the Library we went to the Chapel for the remainder of the P-Day. I was on my phone for most if it. I did shoot some hoops with the basketball but not too much. I also called home again and talked to my mom and then Kaylee when she got home. from school.  Our appointment got canceled so when we got home we called a couple of people to see if we could meet with them.  Luckily Brother Mottrom said we could come over! We came home changed and had dinner. While trying to heat up the oven the lights went out, not all of them just in the Kitchen and the Bathroom. The rest of the apartment lights were just a lot dimmer from it. Turns out that the whole building had the same problem. As we were leaving to see Brother Mottrom, there was already someone there to get it fixed. With Brother Mottrom we went over the Priesthood, along with Prophets and Apostles, It all went well!
     Tuesday morning we got ready to go do service and I called the Orthodontist again to see if they could squeeze me in the fix my retainer again... luckily they got me in for 11, and we then had to call Brother Jones and let him know we couldn't make it to service. We then got changed out of service cloths then after a little we made out way up to Ferry Orthodontics in South Kingstown (out of our area). I basically got in and out with in 30 minutes then we made our way back to the area. We came home for lunch and then to the Library.  While there I listened to Genisis 37-50 (the story of Jacob) to prepare for Zone Conference.  While I did that, Elder Johnson prepared a talk about "the Power and Authority of your calling". That is another thing we need to do before Zone Conference. I got a big chunk of it done already. After we finished we came home for dinner. After dinner. We got ready and came to Book Of Mormon class. It was a pretty good turn out and we had lots of fun. We finished 1 Nephi! After the class we played a game of Lighting with the youth, it's always fun to build that relationship with them, just as a missionaries that served around my family had done. After that we talked to the Gallaghers out side and they ended up giving us half a pizza, it was kind of them. To end the night we met with Mike and we talked about President Nelson and what he has done in his life and what he does as a prophet.
     Wednesday morning after we got up and ready we had time to have our studies!  I was able to finish up the Book of Mosiah and I am about to start Alma! After we finished studies we made our way back up to South Kingstown to drop our car off at the Chevy dealership. After about 30 min we got picked up by the Narragansett Elders and we went to Newport Creamery for lunch. We then got dropped back off at the dealership. Shortly after the car was fixed so we then made our way to the Library.  I worked on a talk from Zone Conference and we then did a little bit of Facebook Finding. I had a few people say that they were interested! We will start to teach them soon! After Facebook Finding we made our way up to the Sykes home for dinner. We had Taco Salad with them and we were able to share the family mission plan with them. After visiting them we made our way to see Emilce Moralles. The Roney family came as well to help translate for Marivel (Emilces sister in law, only speaks Spanish). When we got there Marivel was sleeping so we got to get to know Emilce more with the Roneys. We then shared a message on preparing for General Conference for April, We then came home for the night.
     Thursday was a long day! After we got ready we made our way up to Narragansett to pickup the Elders and then made our way to Warwick for Zone Conference! When we got there we socialized with other missionaries until we went into the Chapel to start. We had a hymn and a Prayer and a special musical number by Elder Leite! It was awesome he sang "I need the Every Hour in both English and Portuguese. It was beautiful! After that President went over the story from Genesis 37-50 (Story of Joseph). For the most part I was pretty familiar with the story but it was a pretty cool reminder of keeping faith in any situation and never forget the Lords Hand in all things. The rest of Zone Conference was basically a reminder of the stuff we do in the mission or want to be better at implementing. We went over Facebook Finding, The Book of Mormon experience, Safeguards for Using Technology, cleaning our apartments and staying Healthy. Of course we had lunch in the midst of all that. Before Zone Conference ended we split into two groups, the Providence Stake, and the Hingham Stake. I was asked a couple of weeks ago to lead a discussion on "Adjusting to Missionary Life". So for ten minutes that's what I did, and it went really well, there were lots of wonderful insights shared. After so while walking back to my seat, President stopped me and said I did a really good job and after Zone Conference he said the same thing! So who knows what that means for me in the coming transfer. We then drove and dropped the Elders off then went straight to our dinner appointment with the Chidesters. They were kind, because of Zone Conference we had to push it back an hour later than expected, but we made it. We had Cafe Rio sweet pork burritos and it was pretty dang good. After dinner we had a lesson with Dantex and Tionna came as well! We talked about the Word of Wisdom with them, and as always it's a little awkward, but we pushed through! To end the night we went to Barnes and Nobel walked around and we tried to look for books by members of the Church but we couldn't find any. All in all it was a great day! When we got home I did my final "Whiting strips"on my teeth and after I took a picture for the "Before and After" shot. There is definitely improvement but I still got work to do!
     Friday morning after we got ready we left a little early to get up to the Narragansett Elders Apt, hoping we could leave to be on time for District Council. We got there at 10:20 and didn’t leave for another 20 minutes, so we ended up being late again. The training went really well, it was from Elder Stokes on asking inspired questions and recognizing the spirit.  After our training we took some District photos then went out to lunch before heading home. After lunch we dropped off the Elders back at there apt then came home. We were able to change out of our suits then we had a lesson with James. We went over the Baptismal Questions with him and he is so ready! All that he is waiting on is some legal things to go through! (Nothing bad though) After our lesson with him, we made our way to see Brother Mottrom for dinner. We had some Shepherds Pie with Brownies for dessert. After dinner we made our way to the Navy Base for FHE. We were there the longest because Brother Dailey left early, luckily we got a lot of help from the Navy personnel. After we finished cleaning up we made our way back to Brother Mottroms to pick up some left overs. Today there was some High winds and whole driving over the bridges it was pretty scary, we also saw a couple of large trees fallen over!
     Saturday we had a late start to the day. I listened to the Old Testament while I got ready for the day. I need to catch up because I was a few days behind. After my shower I sat on the couch while I waited for Elder Johnson to get ready. As we went to do studies, I continued to listen to the Old Testament, at the same time I did a deep clean of the Bathroom. Afterwards we had lunch then made our way to the Chapel. We waited for someone with interest there, who we set up a time earlier in the week to meet up with him. Unfortunately he never ended up coming. We then printed out a meal calendar for the next 6 weeks. Afterwards we went to do a stop by with a referral we got some Temple Square sisters. Unfortunately the girl wasn’t home so we will need to try again later on. After that, we dropped off our Laundry at Brother Stabley’s house. We went to Walmart and we picked up some cleaning supplies, we also bought a new shower curtain because our old one was nasty, but now it looks so much better!  We then came home and got it set up then went out to Tiverton to have dinner with the Williams family. It was pretty fun, for dinner we had steak, it was pretty dang good! Afterwards we shared the message on the Rome Italy Temple walkthrough. Afterwards we made our way back to see Brother Stabley and he took us to "Stop and Shop" to have us pick out dinner for tomorrow, we ended up getting shrimp with peas and carrots. Afterwards we came home for the rest of the night.
     Sunday morning, I took a shower, got ready then we made our way to the Chapel for Missionary Coordination meeting. The meeting went well, and it was pretty quick and effective! Afterwards we greeted people as they came in, until church started. We had two great talks, one from Bishop and one from a new member Brother Blackmon. Bishop talked about Doctrine Covenants section 20, and how it was a commandment to organize "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints ". That date was April 6th 1830. After his talk we heard a great talk on "Being Grateful is only a matter of Perspective" by Brother Blackmon. All in all, I truly enjoyed sacrament meeting today. After sacrament we has Elders Quorum and we talked about the General Conference talk "The Two Great Commandments" by Dallin H. Oaks, Love God, and Love your neighbor as thyself. After Church we came home, I read my Patriarchal Blessing; I read it every Sunday. It always gives me added peace and understanding that the Lord does know who I am and He does love me! We also got a call from the Providence YSA Elders who were coming down to our area to pick up a couple bikes for other missionaries. After that we made our way to Brother Stabley’s. When we got to his house, Brother Daily, and EJ (Brother Stabley’s Friend) was there again and we started our board game. It always pretty fun getting to know them even better each week. After a little bit, the Elders met us and we gave them the Keys to the Bike Locks. They then went to our apartment complex to get the bikes. They also broke into our apt, through the Kitchen window to get the bike Helmets. We played the game until 5 o'clock. At five Brother Daily and EJ left, and Brother Stanley started to make dinner. We had a delicious shrimp dinner, while he was cooking/while we ate, we watched a Fireside by "John Bytheway, he is such a great speaker! After we left his house we went to the Chapel and we called a few people and messaged others as well, to set up appointments to come over and share a message with members and people with interest. To end the night we had a lesson with Lloyd and we went over Come Follow me for the Week, he is slowly getting to understand it better and better!

                       Job 19:25
     "25 For I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth"

     For those of you who don’t know the story of Job, here is a quick review. He was a very faithful man with full trust in God. One day the devil made a deal with God that he could destroy his faith. God said you can do anything to him except take his life. So with that being said, Satan took everything from him. His family, his friends, his home, his job, literally everything! Satan did everything he could to diminish his faith. Job questioned why it was all happening to him because he was a righteous man, but he never lost his Faith. He then Bore testimony "25 For I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth". Even when we was tested to the max he Knew that Christ Lives! He was rewarded after all those trials ten fold. He got his family and friends back. A nicer home more money.
     At times we go through many trying things in life, we should remember that Christ Lives, and that He loves us, He is there for us. Let us not lose faith in the challenges of life, for when we get through them we will be greatly blessed. I testify of these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

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