Monday, February 3, 2020

Week 68 Feb 6th 2020

Rhode Island Funny faces with Kellie
Rhode Island Funny faces with Kellie


Elder  Johnson giving me a trim
Right after I woke up I was able to call home and talk to the family for a little bit. That is always fun for me to do. After that call I got ready for the day then we went to do our weekly shopping at Walmart. We then came home ate lunch then hit the Library. After that we went to go check out the "Save the Bay" aquarium in Downtown Newport but its closed until after Valentines day for renovations. We then went to the Chapel for the remainder of the day. While we were there I called home again and I was able to talk to my big brother Trever. It was really fun to do so. On the way home we went to Walmart and I got "Crest Teeth Whitening Strips". I'm excited to see how it goes! To end the night we had a good lesson with Brother Mottrom on the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  When we did get home I started my first day of the whitening strips!
     Tuesday we stayed pretty busy. After we got ready we made our way to the Salvation Army and they already had the food there! We got right to work and started to put all the meats in the multiple freezers. Eventually we got it all done. After we helped out around where they needed then had lunch. Shortly after we made our way back home. We had our personal studies and then got changed. We then went to meet up with a Bible referral. He only speaks Spanish so we were able to get him a "Santa Bíblia".  We went to the Library to Facebook find. After we finished we made our way to the Roneys for dinner.  With them we had burgers and we were also able to share a family mission plan with them. Sister Roney talked about a less active member we teach, and how she brought her to a Relief Society Activity. (Both the Roneys served Spanish speaking missions) This less active member is Emilce, her Sister in Law who lives with her and wants to learn but only speaks Spanish. We are going to teach them tomorrow and the Roneys agreed to help out!!! After dinner we made our way to the Chapel for Book of Mormon Class. It was our best turn out, we even had a non-member and a few less actives! There was another member that came who was a little rude and irreverent so we might need to ask him to refrain from his comments or if it gets worse even coming to class. After that we played a little bit of basketball with the youth then came home. To end the night we had a lesson with Mike on the Plan of Salvation, it all seemed to make sense to him.
     Wednesday morning, we got ready we made our way up to East Greenwich (Gren-itch). The names around here are spelled not how they sound haha. We met up with the Zone Leaders for exchanges and I came back to Newport with Elder Brollo. He is a pretty fun missionary to serve with. On the drive back he loved looking around, especially when crossing the bridges. When we got back to the apt, we had daily planning and personal/companion studies. It all went well, and I am reading in the Book of Mosiah currently. After we had studies and then lunch we made our way to a near by park. While there we made a lot of calls to people taught in the past. After we made all those calls we tried to do a stop bye and we couldn't find the address due to it being CCRI (a college campus). We ended up tracting by a neighborhood close by the college. We traveled into two NAVSTA (Navy housing) neighborhoods. We really didn’t have any luck at all, a few people did recognize who we were, but still weren't interested. We called a member and they said we could come right over.  We went over to see the Mendes family, they are from Brazil and so is Elder Brollo, so they had a really fun time talking with each other! We were there for only a little bit because we had a dinner appointment with a new member. Brother Blackman took us out to "99 Restaurant" and we had a fun time getting to know him more. He is a "Nuke" in the Navy, basically a nuclear engineer, He is crazy smart! After dinner we made our way to the Barns family room share the family mission plan with them! We then made our way to Emilces home, she is a less active member and her sister in law wanted to know more! The Roneys came with us to help out and translate for mainly me. We had a great Restoration Lesson from Elder Brollo and Brother Roney. They Roneys helped out so much in the lesson and they said they would help out anytime! When we got back to the apt complex we went to go knock into people taught in the past but turns out they have moved. On our walk home we met a girl outside walking her dog and turns out she is a member! It was cool to talk to her and we tried to set up a time to come and visit but she will need to talk to her husband (not a member) first. All in all it was a pretty good day!
     Thursday morning we exchanged back and then we had a pretty busy day! We got back we had our studies and after I ended up passing out on the couch for a little bit. When I woke up we went to Roseanne for our appointment but when we got there she wasn’t home. We then went to go see Noel and Luara but they weren't home either. We ended up going to the Library to Facebook find until we went to the Chapel at 4 for an appointment with Dante. It went really well, we talked about The Prophet and Apostles along with the Priesthood. After our lesson with him we made our way over to the Chidesters for dinner. While there we had home made pizza, and it honestly was pretty good! With them we shared the family mission plan with them, and they made great goals to work on this year! After visiting them we drove all the way up to Tiverton and met with the Grindtaff family to share the family mission plan with them as well. To end the night we went to see Brother Winson and to a personal mission plan for him. He came up with a great idea to "set a date". Basically what that means is he told us a date, and on that day he will have a friend over so we can share a message with him! I thought that was a pretty cool idea! When we got back to the apt, I felt something loose on my teeth and the cement came off my tooth so I need to go back and get it fixed.
     Friday morning after we got ready we made our way up to the Narragansett Elders apt and they then drove us up to Warwick for District Council. Once again we made it on time! We had a great training on teaching for understanding by Elder Johnson. After we made our way to Wendy's for lunch then back to the Elders apt. On the way back my glasses broke. I think I can just super glue it from the way it broke. When we made it there I got a quick trim up on my sides. Elder Burrows hooked it up and trimmed my sides and back. After I got cleaned up we drove home and changed out of our suits and then made our way to James for a lesson on Prophets and Priesthood. Brother Evan's was able to help us out once again! We then made it to dinner with the Yaggis. It was pretty fun and the kids were pretty crazy. After them we made our way to the Navy Base for FHE. We played a couple games of "7 Wonders" and I won both of them!
     Saturday was a busy day even though we had our first appointment never show up. After studies I took a nap on the couch and when we woke up we had lunch and then comp studies. We made our way to the Chapel but our appointment never came. We made out way to the Library and we found a table to sit at and we had weekly planning up until dinner with Brother Stabley. We took us out to Beckeys BBQ, I had a shredded pork sandwich, and it was pretty dang good. We then went back to his house for a message. After we drove to Brother Raposa’s house and then he drove us to the furthest part of our area "Little Compton" to meet the Barbazo family. They moved the weekend I got to this area and they haven’t come to Church since the move. We checked in on them to see how they were doing and shared a message. We then got back to the Raposa’s home and we shared the family mission plan with them.
     Sunday morning we made our way over to the Chapel for Missionary Coordination and we had all three members there! It was very successful and we kept it under an hour! We then greeted up until Church started and we then sat down. Elder Johnson helped pass and I sat with James. With it being Fast and Testimony meeting I was able to bare my testimony. Second hour was cool, Brother wood went over the Apostasy and all of 1st Nephi. After Church we came home changed out of our suits and made our way to Brother Stableys home for FHE. When we got there Brother Daily and his girlfriend were there along with EJ. (Who we played with last week). We finished up the game we were on and we played two more and we won all 3! (It’s a team vs 1 player, in this case EJ). To end the night we had dinner and built our relationship with Noel, Luara and there daughter Kellie. It was a good week, unfortunately though my Niners lost the Superbowl but hey I couldn't watch it anyway.

                    Proverbs 16:3
    "3 Commit thy works unto the Lord, and thy thoughts shall be established."

     In Gods timing 1 day to him is 1,000 years to us. If we make it to age 84 we are gone from Gods presence for 2 hours in his time. This really makes me want to do better in my life to better "Commit my works to him". I am serving a mission for 2 years but what can I do after to better help him in his work? As I strive to do my best each and every day my thoughts will be established and they will become works to have Christ closer to me in my life. I do so testify in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

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