Tuesday, May 19, 2020

19 months only 5 more to go.

Elder Foster and Knowlden with their homemade masks
our District Zoom Call
After a good workout
Wood Duck 
Some beautiful flowers
a cool waterfall in the park
Salem Town Forest
Salem Town Forest
Hanging out at Salem Town Forest
Sunset Picture
Our Apartments

Week 83 -19 months!  5-18-20
  Monday, ended up being a really fun but long day! After we got up and ready we called the District for a game, sadly only the Lynn Spanish Elders joined in. We played a couple games of "Eye to eye", I tied in the first game but lost in the second. After the call we had a snack then went out on out hike. We went to Salem Town Forest. It was really pretty. It was lightly raining and so peaceful! Well, we kind of got lost for a little bit but we had an adventure finding the way back! After the hike we went and did our shopping for the week then came home. Elder Foster bought a drink and was super excited to drink it until we read the ingredients and it had green tea in it  #WordofWisdom. When we got back to the apt we called and talked to family. I had fun because my parents are in Oregon with my Brother. I was able to talk to him along with my two nieces I don’t’ talk to that often! After dinner we did some contacting up until our lesson with Brother McAdam. He is a really cool member here in the Methuen Ward. He loves the Missionaries! Such a cool guy and I hope to get to know him even more!
     Tuesday morning I had some good studies, at 10am I Skyped my doctor to check in for my 60 day check up. It was cool to get to know her more, she is also an animal lover! She has four Alpacas, and they just got shaved last week. Afterwards we hopped into companion studies and then lunch. After lunch we worked on our Facebook posts for the North Shore page. We then had a Mission Devotional and we were able to hear a former Hartford Temple Mission President and wife’s conversion story. After the devotional we then hit the Chapel to figure out the Facebook Admin thing. We also printed out the new "Restoration Proclamation", we are going to start trying to memorize it! Wish me luck y'all I'm going to need it. When we got home it was time for dinner and I made spaghetti and meatballs. After dinner we made a lot of calls up until Gospel Principles Class with Methuen, we went over "The Life of Christ" and ended up having our friend Betty join us as well! To end the night we made more texts and calls to set up appointments.
     Wednesday ended up being a pretty good day! Both of our alarms didn't go off but we both ended up walking up at 7. After we got ready for the day we hopped right into studies. I am currently reading in Mosiah about the Prophet Abinadi and Wicked King Noah. I absolutely love the faith and power Abinadi has when he is testifying to King Noah and the High Priests of Christ. As King Noah was upset he wanted to kill him right there, but Abinadi said in...
                     Mosiah "13:3
      Touch me not, for God shall smite you if ye lay your hands upon me, for I have not delivered the message which the Lord sent me to deliver; neither have I told you that which ye requested that I should tell; therefore, God will not suffer that I shall be destroyed at this time."
      The message that Abinadi had was truly important and because of it Alma one of the wicked High Priests was converted and he baptized and taught so many people! Abinadi never saw the fruits of his labor but he did what he could while he was alive! While in comp studies we started to memorize the new "Restoration Proclamation". We then got a call from the AP's and they want us to give a training at Zone Conference next week, of course we accepted! Most of the day we called and texted members and people with interest to try and set up appointments.  For our afternoon workout I had a really good time, it was nice outside so I was on our little balcony. We then called Sister Mejia and her daughter Sister Pitta to share a message with them. We also had coordination with Billerica, it was a pretty good day!
      Thursday morning I was pretty awake, I got up and worked out which was pretty nice to do! After we got ready for the day we hopped into studies, it went really well! During comp studies we started to memorize the Restoration Proclamation. We had lunch then had an awesome Mission Devotional on the story of "The Brother of Jared". We then did our weekly planning and set some new goals! Later we called and talked to Kenny and Desiree, they were a referral from the Spanish Elders. It went well and we are teaching them again next week.  We then called Brother Ortiz but he didn’t pick up so instead, we called         home and talked to our families for a little bit. For our afternoon workout we did it via Facebook messenger with the District and did a fun abs workout! After dinner we had a great lesson with Angel again and talked about where we came from. He is super excited to be able to work towards baptism! At 7 and at 8 we had Gospel Principle Lessons, one with each ward! At 7 was with Methuen and our friend Betty joined, at 8 we did it with Billerica and a less active member, Brother Howard joined us. It was super cool to see them on the call !!!
           Friday ended up being a pretty good day. I woke up pretty energized and basically after my morning prayer went straight into my workout. Today was a leg day, so lots of squats! We both then had personal studies, I ended up reading the scriptures out on our balcony because it was such a nice day! After studies we had District Council. Todays training was how to have effective studies, especially during this time we have the opportunity to have longer and deeper studies! After District Council we had lunch then made our way to the Chapel. We recorded Elder Foster singing a hymn for Sacrament on Sunday. I decided to have fun and draw on the chalk board while he did that. By the time we finished up we came home and reached out to a few members, then I did my afternoon workout. After dinner we had three awesome lessons! The first was with the Haslams, they are pretty cool and with them we helped them set up a Family Mission Plan! The second lesson was with Bishop Bursell and his family, they are pretty cool and their daughter is studying genetics for animals and the whole family has had many animals as well, I really liked them! The last lesson for the night was with Brother Baustert in Billerica. He loves the Missionaries and is always looking to help them out.  We were able to share Mosiah 24:13-15 with him and it helped give him a lot of peace. To end the night I called my parents and wished them a Happy 38th Anniversary!
     Saturday was a pretty good day, I have been so much better at getting up on time to workout. The past transfer was hard because we were just barely into isolation/quarantined to our apts. After my workout/getting ready for the day I hopped into studies. The past few mornings I have been on our balcony just to get some fresh air! After lunch we reached out to our friends we are teaching and invited to watch the area Devotional tomorrow with Elder Christopherson. We then worked on the progress record of the week for Methuen. After that we worked on the Facebook post and came up with some ideas to be creative! We took a little break and walked around our complex again checked out the little wetlands on the property. When we got back we practiced the "Restoration Proclamation to the World" while we worked out. After dinner we reached out to a bunch of referrals we have received recently but sadly a few of them have been pranks, and they aren't truly interested. To end the night we had a lesson with Betty and the Stapletons where we went over the Baptismal interview questions so we can see where we can help her out! She is confused about a couple things but we will continue to help her out!
     Sunday morning, right after we got up and ready we had coordination with Methuen. For some reason over Zoom we couldn't see or hear anyone. Luckily Brother Stapleton sent out a link and it worked! We then had lunch and hopped into a lesson with the Luangrath Family, and once again Zoom was being strange! They then sent us a link and it worked! It went pretty well and they are a pretty cool family! Right after our lesson, we had our Mission Wide Sacrament Service, it went really well. We heard from the Black Stone Valley Stake President and his wife.  They talked about "by small and simple things" it was pretty cool! After Sacrament we had lunch and then reached out to a few people. We then met with Brother Swanson and his wife Zarah. Turns out Brother Swansons mom was in town from NY. We talked about being courageous in scary times! After our message with them we then had studies and because it was so nice outside I had studies on our balcony again. For Comp studies we started to memorize the second paragraph of the "Restoration Proclamation". We then had the awesome opportunity to watch a devotional from Elder Christopherson! It was only for our Mission (members and non members). He talked about the importance of church, both in the home and in the chapel. We then had dinner, and to end the night we worked on some Facebook post ideas and contacted a lot of people! To end the night we did our Sunday call ins with the rest of the District Companionships. We didn’t do anything special today but I hit 19 months, 5 more to go!

                     Joshua 1:9

     "9 Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest."

     Life is scary at time and full of misunderstanding! This scripture had given me so much comfort in times like these, where I don’t know what is going on around the world. This promise is given to us as we "be strong and of good courage". Our Savior Jesus Christ truly is watching over us "whithersoever thou goest". I am beyond grateful for my Savior Jesus Christ and the Love he has for me!  I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen!

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