Sunday, May 31, 2020

Week 84, of Brayden's Mission

District Council
Elder Foster & Elder Knowlden

   Week 84, 5-25-2020

Monday was a pretty laid back day. In the morning we did a District video call and played hangman/ Pictionary, it was pretty fun! Afterwards we went shopping and basically stayed at the apt for the rest of the day. After dinner we finished up the Facebook post and we had a good lesson with the Armstrong family! To end the night we remade the Methuen nightly texts because we had a few people to add!
     Tuesday morning we got a call from a member in Billerica asking if we could call her later in the week to share a message. We called her before and she wasn’t interested in one, so it was pretty cool to hear that she wanted one now! Other than that It was a pretty regular morning. After lunch we started to plan for our training on Zone Conference later this week. We had a pretty cool Mission Devotional with Elder and Sister Dudley (Area 70), they talked about the importance of following the Prophet and record how you hear him. We then made lots of calls and texts to all of the referrals we have gotten, Sadly some of them were pranks. We then had our afternoon workout and dinner. At 6pm the Zone Leaders went live for scripture studies on the Facebook page. They talked about the story of Job in the Old Testament. At 7pm we had our Gospel Principle Class with Methuen and our friend Angel came! It was cool to see him their! The Aldrich's were there as well and we talked about the Priesthood, Angel was glad we invited him and he even said the closing prayer! For the rest of the night we called more members to set up appointments.
     Wednesday ended up being a pretty fun day. After studies and lunch we made our way to the Chapel and met the Lynnfield Elders. We had a member bring down her Cello for Elder C. Foster (not my companion) to play and make a video. While they were on the Chapel filming the song we continued to work on our training and did a virtual
Chapel tour with Angel, he really liked it! We talked about the paintings that are all around the Chapel, one thing he liked is that there is something for everyone to do there! After both of us finished up we made our way to North Salem to the Luangraths to drop off the Cello, they live in a beautiful area by a lake. We then came home and it was time for our District work out, I was in charge today and we did a lot of pushups and burpees, for the next couple days my arms were so sore! After dinner we continued to work on our ZC training along with Billerica progress report.  We then had coordination. To end the night we made a few calls and worked on the training.
     Thursday morning we got ready and then "role played" our training, just so we made sure it went and sounded well! At 10 we hopped on zoom and we had Zone Conference, the first half was 5 different training on various subjects. The second half we heard from President Dionne (Mission Presidency), he talked about using his own experiences to share it with others who are experiencing similar things. Sister Mavromaitis talked about getting involved In the community through Facebook. Last but not least, President shares with us experiences from his mission and how it can relate to us. After Zone Conference we had personal studies up until we called Brother Ortiz to share a brief message with him.  After dinner we talked to Angel, but he was currently busy so we invited him to our zoom call at 7 with Methuen. He came along with Betty and the Aldrich's! We went over the Priesthood Organization. The last thing we had for the night was our Gospel Principle lesson with Billerica,  and we went over "Jesus Christ our chosen savior and leader"
     Friday morning after we got ready and had studies we had District Council. The training was on building member relationships with the ones we teach, it went really well! Shortly after lunch we had a Mission Devotional on Facebook training, again...  to me it feels like a lot of repeats because I did the Facebook finding Pilot program in November.  Right after we called our friend Jahely and her husband Eddie and we were able to read the First Chapter of the Book of Mormon with them and help them have a better understanding! We then had dinner and afterwards we had a good lesson with the Nelson's. To end the night we called all of the referrals and set up a time to meet next week with one of them and we started to teach one of them! Both are for Billerica, we haven't found anyone for them so it was super cool to have two people with interest!
     Saturday morning we had an Admin training on when to post what to do to get more. (some of you may have been invited). Afterwards we finished up companion studies and had lunch. We worked on the Methuen progress report and then did weekly planning.  After weekly planning we went to crystal shores conservation area for our afternoon workout. When we got back we had dinner then made a lot of calls and texts up until our lesson with Betty and Sister Stapleton at 8pm. She was able to look over the churches link about the FaQ on LBTQ+ in the Church. It helped her a lot to have a better understanding. We then went over the last few questions in the Baptismal interview, so she can understand what she will be asked. To end the night I ended up giving myself a haircut, just the sides though. It turned out pretty well!
     Sunday morning after we got ready, we had coordination with Methuen, it ended up going really well! Afterwards we had a message from President on the mission group chat asking us to read or listen to a talk, and he wants us to write about what we thought in our weekly email to him. It was about correcting the true Doctrine from not full Doctrine. We then had a awesome Mission Sacrament. We heard from President and Sister Heatons (Hingham Stake President) they talked about personal revelation and paying attention to our spiritual senses. After we were planning on doing a Sunday Service with Angel, but it got pushed back to later in the day. We then met with the Swanson’s and shared a message about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Afterwards we had lunch and then attended the Billerica Ward Devotional. We heard a couple of good talks one of them was a mission farewell. We then called and talked to a couple members and shared short messages. We then had a short Sunday Service with Angel, the Chipman’s and the Aldrich's. We talked about the conversion of Alma the Younger. We then had dinner and afterwards we ended up driving to Pellham NH, to drop off a Book of Mormon with an online referral. He was super appreciative, we then dropped off the "Come Follow me" to Angel so he can read and follow along throughout the week so he can have better insights at Sunday School! To end the night we continued to reach out to members.
                 Moroni 8:25-26
   "25 And the first fruits of repentance is baptism; and baptism cometh by faith unto the fulfilling the commandments; and the fulfilling the commandments bringeth remission of sins;
26 And the remission of sins bringeth meekness, and lowliness of heart; and because of meekness and lowliness of heart cometh the visitation of the Holy Ghost, which Comforter filleth with hope and perfect love, which love endureth by diligence unto prayer, until the end shall come, when all the saints shall dwell with God."

     This right here is the Gospel of Jesus Christ! When we receive the remission of our sins we too will have a humble heart that will lead us closer to Christ in our lives! My favorite thing is being able to have the Gift of the Holy Ghost to be our constant companion. He will help give us comfort in times of need! I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen

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