Monday, January 21, 2019

Broken Glasses
Beausalei Family
With Elder Hodgkinson and others
An old cabin home
An Old Cabin Home
Mexican Taco-Yummy

Week 13 Jan 21st 2019   
What a great week it has been! Can you believe it's already been 3 whole months since I have left? That's so crazy, time sure does fly when you're in the Lords errand. I forgot this in my last email but, one night I had a pretty vivid dream that I just got home from my mission, and I was in the store with my family. I still had my name tag on and this guy noticed it, he soon talked to me about wanting to know more about the "Plan of Happiness". Then I proceeded to walk with him and tell him more about it. I woke up and didn't think about it too much, but I got a lovely letter from home. My mom had a full page on thoughts from President Nelson, all about the Plan of Happiness! I know that is not a coincidence.     

Back to this past week we once again helped out with service this last P-day and it was super fun. That night we had a wonderful Family Home Evening with the Rodriguez, the LaRose and the Dionisio family. We had an awesome "share and tell" lesson, we all shared an amazing thing that we thought of another person in the group. The next day, was the first time I've ever had a Chipotle burrito, it was pretty dang good. Once again we had a wonderful companion study with Elder Hodgkinson, and did an awesome roleplay.   

We had dinner over at the Beausalei family, and they have 4 cute kids. They are members of the ward we are in but they live out of our area, so it took a little longer to get to there house then I Thought. The Kids loved the magic tricks I did with them! Thursday we planned on doing some service with a part member family but when we got there they were all sick. We were going to paint a playhouse they have and it was to cold to do so. On the way back we stopped by an old house and got a few awesome pictures.
This week’s district counsel I had the lesson, and it went great! I taught about our mission purpose and what it means to us personally. It went really well and it even helped me grow from what I knew about it and hearing from others how they feel and what it means to them. On Friday we met with Kelly and her brother, sadly Domingo was getting some rest before the snow came in that morning.  We had a great lesson and we now are teaching her brother Ronnie and even her son Brian! Ronny, we talked a lot on prayer and we should be thankful to God for all that we have. Sunday morning we woke up and the whole mission was on a "purple dot" that means that we couldn't even leave the house! It was mostly for the areas further north of us, they got hit with a storm. With the new study program in the church we had a wonderful discussion about the past 2 weeks, did you know that the 3 wise men didn't even see Jesus until he was about 2! It's crazy to think that, and that's why King Harod wanted all of the boys 2 and under killed. Later on that day we went to the Steven's for lunch and had an amazing lunch. We had Mexican style tacos and they were so good! Sadly no pictures. After that we went to the Rodriguez family and they were so happy to see us. Rebecca said that the story I shared truly touched her.  I shared the story of the adoption of my little sister and how when I get home she wants me to baptize her, I said even though I cannot wait to Baptize my little sister my focus is right now, the ones I'm teaching and the ward I am in. Finally the night came and we had dinner at the Campbell’s home, we had a wonderful beef stew, and we got to know them a little bit more and sister Campbell shared some experiences from her mission in Italy.
Sadly I snapped my glasses in half while trying to clean them, luckily I had an extra pair!
This weeks scripture is from Alma 30:41
“But, behold, I have all things as a testimony that these things are true; and ye also have all things as a testimony unto you that they are true; and will ye deny them? Believest thou that these things are true.”

Is my testimony enough? This is what I asked myself as I read this. With today's age there is so much commotion and distractions from what is right. With the world making things normal it is harder to have faith. I know that as my testimony grows I cannot deny what I have felt and the things I have learned for myself by reading The Book of Mormon. I know with all my heart that this is the truest book there is, I know it testifies of Christ’s teachings of ancient America. I am so happy for the restoration so we can have all that we have now. I am even happier that we have a Prophet today, who has the authority to act and guide the true Church of Jesus Christ.  I am proud to be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints-Amen                                                                                               

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