Wednesday, March 6, 2019

A Slow Week

A cold day of tracting
Painting Polley's home
Author Chris Knowles

Bro Powells Bulgarian Horse
Bro. Powell's Bulgarian Horses
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Service with Brother Powell's Bulgarian Horses

More Bulgarian Horses
Bro Powell's Bulgarian Horses

George the Wild Peacock
Bulgarian Horse
George the Wild Peacock

Solved the Rubik Cubes

Week 20 3-4-2019
     It is already March, can you believe that? The past two months have flown by. This past week is the slowest week out of the year on the Island, because school is on a spring break, so a lot of people go on vacation. Last Monday we got caught doing some service for a friend of Brother Powell.  While we were there we brought wood from the horse pen into the house so they can have good ole firewood to heat the house. The Horses were Bulgarian horses and were about 8ft tall they are HUGE! A wild Peacock named George has been staying at their house 4 years. That's how most of P-day was spent. For dinner we ended up going to brother Powell’s home and we met his mother who he helps take care of. On the way home we were walking on a dark road, we past another lady walking the other way, and her dog scared me so much!
     Tuesday we met a guy named Chris Knowles who is an author of 15 published books. He wanted to know more about our beliefs just so he can have a better understanding. We do hope to see him again soon. After that we rode our bikes over to OakBluffs where we had to go over the bridge. While we got to the bridge it was super, super, windy. We then proceed to go see some potential friends to set up a day to come back and teach a lesson. On the way back we stopped by Rods house but he was still sick so we didn't stay long, it was good to see him.
     Wednesday, we started the day out by moving around the study room for a new look, and I really like it. We went out biking and looking for someone potential to teach but no luck, we were trying to hurry to beat the storm and get back in time for dinner. It started to snow around 4 so we left home early because we were biking. That day I got my new glasses because my old ones broke back in Madison,  haha.
     Thursday was a slower day just like this whole week has been. We did most of our work from home today because of the weather, but for dinner we went to the Polley’s home and we had a good time getting to know each other more and growing our friendship.
     Friday was the first day of March and a great way to start the month. We had district counsel and it helped us learn how to better understand where our friends are in their progress towards baptism. This day we stopped by all of our friends and seeing how they were doing, we have a few appointments set up this week and I can't wait for them. I also got my 4x4 rubik's cube in and Elder Foutz and I had a fun time trying to figure it out, we actually did it! We did go see a few friends that were taught before I got here and we plan to teach them again soon.
     Saturday we spent all day doing service. While at the Polley’s old home we are helping fix up so they can rent it, I did a lot of spackling and it was real fun. We also did a stop at the island dump to drop of a load of trash from the renovation. While we were painting we listened to a few awesome talks from past general conferences, it was tons of fun. That night Elder Foutz and I started to watch "the Safety Zone" new videos for all missionaries to help them to stay safe from both spiritual and everyday harms. They are pretty great, full of good insights and comedy relief.
     Sunday, even better its fast Sunday. One thing I've been able to help with while serving here in the branch is blessing the Sacrament, it's always fun to do. Even better every Sunday I can partake of the Sacrament to remember my own baptismal covenant. With it being Fast and Testimony meeting, I went up to bare my testimony on revelation. My current studies have been on the atonement and repentance and I have learned so much from it, and how to have more faith in Jesus Christ. In Sunday School, we talked about focusing on having spiritual blessings and not focus on the earthly possessions. After church we had a real fun linger longer and I got to know the Brown Family a little more. We also spent more time trying to watch the rest of the Safety Zone.
      Doctrine and Covenants 8:2-3
     "2 Yea, behold, I will tell you in your mind and in your heart, by the Holy Ghost, which shall come upon you and which shall dwell in your heart.
     3 Now, behold, this is the spirit of revelation; behold, this is the spirit by which Moses brought the children of Israel through the Red Sea on dry ground."

     Revelation always comes at the time of need. With the Gospel being restored so many things have happened that has furthered the work of Christ. We may not no why it is there, and it might not make sense in a worldly view, but I know that even we ourselves can have our own personal revelation to better us and our families. That's what is so amazing about the new come follow me program in the church, it is there for us to come closer to Christ and focus on what we need most. As a missionary I am praying and doing my studies to get the revelation needed to better my area I am serving in. I love that our Prophet and Apostles are able to have revelation to help out all of Gods Children, Amen

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