Sunday, August 11, 2019

Week 42 August 5,2019

Helping with yard work
Our District
Brother Paganella's Yard
Francis Baptism
Nice Car
Testing my Strength

Week 42

     Well last week was pretty cool with Francis getting baptized and becoming a member! This week was pretty good as well. Monday we pretty much stayed at the Rogers all day, we had to save miles and they let us use their laundry room. For dinner we spent it with the Loyedd family. After Elder Kilpack helped out with an electrical problem. Before the Mission Elder Kilpack became a journeyman electrician for work. After dinner we came home and did some planning.
     Tuesday-Thursday we had a few moves so we stayed pretty busy.  Today is Tuesday and after we picked up the trailer and some items from the storage unit, we made our way to Waltham. When we got there, we had help from the Waltham and Weston Elders, along with the Rasmussens and the Orlandinis. We took down one apt (there were two) then put the extra furniture in the other apartment. The items we did end up putting in the trailer, we took to Quincy Massachusetts. The Weston Elders had to leave so the Waltham Spanish Elders hopped in the truck and helped us down in Quincy. They were much needed. We did a lot of moving and setting up once we finished they ended up making all for of us some food, It was pretty good. We then dropped off the Elders back at their apt then we dropped off the trailer. We then made our way to dinner with the Maclean family. It was pretty fun we had burgers with pineapple on top. I was doing some magic tricks and one of the boys got frustrated and hit me in the ... luckily it wasn’t too hard. I guess I learned my lesson of doing magic tricks, haha.
     Wednesday was a longer move day. We made our way to Cambridge YSA again after we had some studies. While there we picked up a few items from them that was from the old apt. After, we all decided to go out to lunch at Panda Express.  Later we decided to meet up with a pretty famous member in the mission. His name is Keith Moon, he sends a lot of individual messages daily to missionaries who struggle. I was so lucky to be able to meet him. With him working at Harvard he took us around a little bit. We were able to go into the library; it is the largest college library in the world! It's about 2 million books there, About 7 floors! He was able to take us into the stacks to see all of the shelves for them. I could not believe how many books there were. At the library is one of the original printed Bibles from Gutenburg! I thought it was pretty cool. After we got our tour we cleaned out the old apt and turned in the keys because today was the last day. We then made our way home and we hit 3 hours of traffic heading home from Boston! Luckily we didn’t have the trailer so we went straight to dinner with the Buchmans at Pho Dakao.
     Thursday, our last move for the week. Luckily we didn’t need the trailer this time but we needed to pick up a few items in the storage unit. We picked up the parts for a bunkbed. We went through the heart of Boston. While we arrived at our place of arrival it was just the two of us. The Sisters we were there to help left the door unlocked for us. We first had to move some stuff around to make room for the bunkbed. It honestly surprises me how dirty Sisters apartments are. After we set up the bunkbed we locked the door and made our way to lunch. We once again chose Panda Express! As a moving elder we get $10 to eat while on moves, it helps out so much! After our lunch we made our way to Revere to drop off some nuts and washers. The Elders were not there so we zip tied them together and tossed it onto the balcony. We once again hit pretty bad traffic. Luckily our dinner appointment was at 8pm with the Paice family, it was later because Brother Paice was still in Boston up until 8. It worked out in the end because we hit bad traffic as well! We planned on sharing a message on "come and see" but I had a strong prompting to do the sacrament message. After we finished Sister Paice said they have been talking about how to better get ready for Sacrament the whole past week. I knew right then, it was needed to be shared. I am so happy I acted on the prompting of the spirit. We then came to the Roger's home (we are still house sitting and animal watching), and when we arrived Elder Kilpack burned a shirt of his because he hit his 1 year mark for the mission!
      Today was Friday so that means District Council. We had the lesson and role play today. Our lesson was simply on “what is our own personal purpose as a missionary and what do we hope to accomplish”. It was actually pretty cool! Our role play was on asking questions to find concern then testifying.  We've had a focus on teaching, where you agree, start there. After that the Franklin Sisters and us went to Subway for lunch. While there we talked about how we can better help them in the area.  Elder Kilpack is the District Leader and he wants to do what he can to support all of us. We came home for studies then had to head to dinner. We met up with Francis at Whole Foods for dinner and a lesson. After we picked up our food we left to his apt. With him being a new member we are starting to re-teach all the lessons.  We started with the 10 commandments along with the Word of Wisdom, and the Power in Prayer.
     Saturday morning we left to help out the Macananti family. They were moving and had a big moving truck there. Luckily when we got there a lot if members of the Elders Quorum were already there to help out! We got a lot of work done there, and all the help was needed. They ended up leaving the next morning! While we were there they had a garage (they live on a farm) and we went in to look around. While inside we saw a Ford Model B car and it is so cool looking! We later found out it was the neighbors. We talked to the neighbor and it is a push start, oh man I would love to see it in action. While there we talked to Bishop and asked how we can better help out. We talked about a couple less active members and sent us the shepherding list for the ward. It seems to be getting better, the relationship between us missionaries and the Bishop. We then helped out and we took stuff to the dump with Brother Macananti. Perks of having the truck! We came home because I had a headache and I took a tap that was much needed.  Even when I woke up I still had a slight headache. After I woke up we took the truck to the wash and got it cleaned out. While at the same time Elder Kilpack had a head cold and wasn’t feeling to well. We had to go back to the Macananti family to pick up Elder Kilpacks toolbox, we didn’t want to have be on the moving truck and never see it again. Luckily they hadn't packed it!
     I didn’t get much sleep, but after we got ready we made our way to church. It was fast Sunday, so it was also testimony meeting. Once again we had the opportunity to help pass the Sacrament.  It's always so fun to help out. There were many good testimonies and even Francis bore his testimony again, three months in a row! For Sunday School we went around visiting the youth classes.  We had fun and it was for sure interesting to see how different classes bring different spiritual lessons! Right after church we had a lesson with Sister Flynn on tithes and offerings. We also touched a little bit on the Priesthood. Next time we are going to talk about Patriarchal Blessings and hopefully help her prepare to get her own! We then came home because Elder Kilpack still wasn’t feeling to well. We did some studies and I even took another nap. Later on it came time for dinner so we made our way to the Hansen family. We had a good time there, and we even met their older daughter who just graduated from BYU. After dinner we met up with Brother Sofoul and Brother Mason. From there we did some splits. I went with Brother Mason in the Hopkinton and Ashland area. I rode in his Dodge Charger, and it was pretty nice. While on splits we were visiting less active members but not everyone was there. Sadly the ones we did talk to didn’t want anything to do with the church anymore, all we can do is pray for them and have faith they will return once again.

                      Alma 32:10

      "10 Behold I say unto you, do ye suppose that ye cannot worship God save it be in your synagogues only?"

      Worshiping God is an every day, every hour, every minute thing. We should do what we can to show our love that we have for him.  Because of Christ’s sacrifice on the cross we can return to live with him again, I can not wait for this day. Until then I am doing what I can to help others know of this love. I will continue to worship God everywhere I go. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen

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