Monday, August 19, 2019

WEEK 43 August 5-11,2019

A cool pond
Washing the Truck
Elder Kilpack & Elder Knowlden
Pictures inside the Harvard College Library
Outside the Harvard College Library 
Olivia Maclean
Curtis Maclean
Slurpees from 7-11 with Elder Kilpack
Visit at the Harvard College Library
Wooden Treasure from the Rogers

Week 43    Aug 5-11th
     We were still at the Roger's house sitting and we stayed there for most of the day because Elder Kilpack still wasn't feeling to well. We ended up canceling our dinner appointment with the Waltch family, they have a newborn baby and we didn't want anyone else to get sick. For dinner we went out to McDonald's. After that we just relaxed and sent uplifting messages to our friends we are teaching.
     We almost didn’t go on our move because Elder Kilpack still wasn’t the best, I ended up being the driver today. I didn't like driving in Boston, luckily we didn't have the trailer. We first stopped by the Waltham Elders to get them a table, then we then left to Cambridge. While there we got them an A.C unit for their apartment. Elder Kilpack and I then went out to lunch at Panda Express (best place in the mission). We then came home and rested because Elder Kilpack still isn't to well, we later went to CVS so he could get some TUMS. For dinner the Waterfalls (SP?) dropped some food for us.
     Today was Zone Conference so Elder Kilpack and I took the Portuguese Elders and the Spanish Elders there. Oh boy were we cramped in the truck, but we all did have seatbelts! This wasn't my favorite Zone Conference, but it was a good reminder for how to best help our friends. Elder Kilpack and I gave a short discussion on the Doctrine of Faith and Works. We had to push dinner to an hour later because we came back home during rush hour traffic. We ate at Terra Brazil with the Buchman’s. After dinner we went to go talk to our Bishop to ask him about a less active member, because we reached out to her. She moved to Florida recently and we wanted to know more so we could better get her the help she needs in her new area.
     Thursday we had interviews with President so our move got delayed by around 2 hours. Luckily we were the first two to be interviewed. Today I was told to get ready to leave, so I officially know I'll be leaving this area. Other than that, interviews went really well. We came home to change then made our way to pick up the trailer. After we stopped by the Rasmussen’s home to pick up a queen mattress. We dropped it off at the Orlandinis place, they even made us some lunch, rice and beans! We then made our way to an apartment in Waltham. We removed everything from inside and we turned in the keys. While there we got a referral, and we called her to make an appointment, she said she would get back to us because she just moved into our area. We then went to dinner at Chipotle then came to Weston to drop off the trailer.  We stopped by a couple new friends on the way home. Earlier today President challenged us to find 1 person this week because we haven't found a new friend in a few weeks. Our focus has been more on our current friends and establishing a better relationship with the members. It seems to be past missionaries broke the trust they had. We ended up teaching two just today! It was also a move day, so we kept really busy.
     Friday, today was District Council so we drove to Franklin. We had a good lesson by the Franklin Sisters on better helping our friends through Christ like attributes. We gave the role play on “teaching to meet needs”. We did this by asking simple questions about a friends beliefs. From the questions we asked we thought back to what they already agreed on, then went from there. On the way back we stopped by BK for lunch, while there I had a pretty cool experience. There were three deaf gentlemen eating together.  Elder Kilpack is an ASL Missionary so he taught me the signs to introduce myself, we then signed all together. Though they weren't interested it was cool to introduce myself in ASL! We then stopped by the Rovers to help them with a few things around the house then made our way to dinner with the Panike family. The oldest son is also named Braiden but it's spelled wrong (at least to me). He has a desire to serve a mission so it was cool to talk to him. After we did a few more stop byes with some potential friends and a referral. We were able to contact 2 of them and  we had a short lesson on scriptures with one. We ended up deciding to send her to the Portuguese Elders, they will be better at helping her. The second lady is Lori, she is super cool and has a strong desire to learn and know what is for her. We had a good lesson on prayer, and talked a little about the Book of Mormon and Church History. She said she will read the introduction instead of watching her show that night. That was honestly so cool to hear, she truly wants to know for herself! That's another two people we started to teach!
     Saturday, we started out by cleaning out the trailer because we didn’t have time last Thursday. We met the Rasmussen’s at the storage unit to empty it all out. After that we did some service with Brother Nick Paganella. I mowed the lawn and edged while Elder Kilpack trimmed with tall bushes around his yard. For dinner we ate at the Billeters home. It was just the dad and the older son who goes to the Cambridge YSA. We had pizza, and honestly it was pretty good! We had a good time with them. We then came home to save miles, so we did some calls and sent messages to friends.
     Sunday, this morning we met at Church early to have a Ward Missionary Correlation. We mainly discussed the needs of our recent converts, and we hope for sister Flynn to go to the temple soon with a smaller group, because this will be her very first time. We also hope for Brother Francis Kemugeu to get the Aaronic Priesthood. We briefly went over our current friends being taught then hope to follow up later in the week. We had to end because Church was about to start. There were a couple of good talks on service awareness, and faith in Christ.  While in the second hour we stopped by all classes to talk about a youth missionary event next week. Not too much happened later on the day but we did a few stop byes with members to help them and the family out to understand coming closer to Christ.

                         James 2:20

     "20 But wilt thou know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead?"

     Faith truly is an action word. As we have a desire to grow closer to Christ, we cannot just say we have faith in Him. We have to take that step. It can simply start by more prayer in your life. Prayer is powerful, and can truly be a conversation with God. Another action is scripture study, as I have studied I learn and grow new things every day. One more thing you can do is go to church. As we are surrounded by others of the same faith they will be there to help you grow. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

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