Monday, June 8, 2020

Happy Birthday Elder Foster
Exchanges with Elder Martinez, Francom, C.Foster, Stokes
Mission Office Missionaries
Glines brought us Dinner
Happy Birthday Elder Foster

Week 86  7-8-20
     Monday morning we got up and ready, we then went shopping. As we finished shopping we were about to leave, The Lawrence Spanish Elders pulled up right to us and we talked for a couple minutes. They mentioned this cool hike area they heard about in Salem called the "American Stonehenge" unfortunately you had to pay to get in. We might go back another day but we only had an hour left until our Zone Activity. On the way home we shopped at Walmart for a few more things. When we got home we hopped on the Zoom link with the Zone and played Mafia. The two games we played I was out the first round. Once as a mafia that got caught and then the mafia killed me. After the Zone activity we called home and talked to our families for a little bit. We then went to Dollar Tree for a couple of items and then on the way home picked up some Little Caesars, oh boy was it so delicious! To end the night we brought back the Allen's AC unit they let us borrow. It was such a nice drive! Sadly though earlier today our friend Jahely has asked to stop being taught for the time being, lots of things are going on in her life right now and she just needs a little break.
     Tuesday went pretty well in the morning the Lawrence Elders called us asking if we had a blow up mattress because they will be in a trio for a day.  Luckily we did so they came over to pick it up. Afterwards we had studies and then shortly after lunch a Mission wide FHA. It was pretty fun, we heard a Senior Companionship bare their testimonies. We also learned from a few other missionaries about some talents. We learned how to draw a cartoon Nephi, how to Beat box and how to clog (dance). Afterwards we made our way down to Burlington (the bottom of Billerica) and we dropped of a Book of Mormon to a member.  It was nice to get out of the house for a while! On the way home we hit up a Wendy's and had dinner at home. After dinner we got ready for our zoom call (Gospel Principles) with Methuen, it ended up going really well! For the remainder of the night we had a lesson with the Rains (Billerica) they just got called to be Service Missionaries for the Stake. They're calling is to be missionary supporters. With a lot of new missionaries coming in and not enough cars they will be helping with transportation and attending District Councils with us. We are excited to get to know them even more!
     Wednesday after I woke up I wished Elder Foster a Happy 21st Birthday! After we got ready for the day we had daily planning along with finished up the plans for the Facebook Group. We have two new companionships in the Zone so we remade the schedule. Afterwards we had personal studies. When we were about to start comp studies we got a message from the Lynn Elders about exchanges. We then made our way to the Chapel and had exchanges. I went with Elder Francom then Elder Martinez, they are both pretty cool missionaries! Afterwards we had a break (mandatory) I shot some hoops and Elder Foster played the piano. Before we came home we printed off the two ward directories so I can start writing down addresses of the members I meet. We then hit Marker Basket and bough Ben and Jerry's Icecream. We then went to Sal's Pizza to pick up dinner, Brother Van Zweeden bought for us! When we got back we ate dinner and I worked on the Progress report. After dinner we met with the Brea family to share a short message, they are a part member family I'm Methuen. To end the night we had a really good coordination with Billerica!
     Thursday morning after we got ready for the day, we had a call from Brother Adam's. He has a big test coming up and wanted someone to pray with, it was fun to help him out! We then had studies, and I also was able to read Chapter two of Jesus the Christ, I had some awesome insights about the premortal existence! After personal studies we did some comp studies and then lunch. After lunch we had a mission wide training, it was mainly for trainers and all the new missionaries who have been reassigned. For some reason our phone hasn't been working for calls or even receiving calls it was hard to do some contacting. We tried to reach out to the office missions to see what to do but they couldn't call us. The Glines then came and dropped off dinner for us, we had some delicious Chicken Enchiladas with Corn on the Cob! We had to cook it, while it cooked we had a Mission Wide Devotional with Elder Bassett, he is part of the North East North American Area Presidency. He just answered a few questions from missionaries, his wife also talked about learning the language of the spirit. During dinner we reached out to the AP's to see if they can talk to the office missionaries about our Sim Card and getting it fixed. We made a plan to go to the Mission Office in the morning to check it out. Unfortunately Angel had to reschedule because he was with his mom. We then had two awesome back to back Gospel Principle lessons with both wards!
     Friday morning we quickly got up and ready and by 8 we made our way to Natick Massachusetts aka we went to the Mission Office. When we got there our sim card let us call people but it wouldn't let us while at our apt. We waited around for Elder Wilkins to call tech support and try to get a new sim card for us. It was taking so long so we just took our original sim card and came home. Right after we got home we hopped onto zoom and had District Council, the Rains joined in as well. They have a new Stake Calling "Missionary Support Couple" and with that they wanted to get to know the District better. We gave a training on the gathering of Israel document and we had a roleplay about baring testimony of the Book of Mormon to help resolve concerns. After we then had lunch, afterwards we had a prerecorded mission devotional given by Elder and Sister Rasband, Elder Rasband is an Apostle of the Lord! The devotional was all about the new Restoration Proclamation! Afterwards we had exchanges with Lynnfield and Inqas with Elder Strokes. It was fun to catch up with him for a little bit, unfortunately he forgot his charger so his phone died near the end. Afterwards we took a short break and I ended up passing out, up until dinner time. When I woke up I made little smokeys (little hotdogs) for dinner. Afterwards we went to the Chapel to see of we could get service there to call people, and it worked! Between calling and texting people we played pictionary on the chalkboard, it was pretty fun!
     Saturday ended up being a long day! After we woke up, worked out and got ready we did some daily planning and a short comp study to prepare for interviews today. We then did our own personal studies up until lunch. After lunch we had interviews and I went first, and it went really well! President was glad to see I am doing much better this week. He also mentioned that one of us is for sure leaving this transfer, it will most likely be me, but he is going to pray about it more! So we will see in my next email! Afterwards we took a little break and then did some more comp studies and then made the progress report for Methuen. It was super dark outside because a storm was rolling in. It felt so late, but it was only 3PM! We then went out to the little dock /Wetland on the complex property and filmed my daily message, right as I finished the thunder hit so we ran into the apt and it then started to pour! So I did what I would do if I was home, I went on the deck and I got drenched, it was so worth it! I then changed and got dry, we then did weekly planning. As we finished weekly planning we then made dinner and relaxed. After dinner we had a call from a man from London. He wanted to talk to us about the Book of Mormon, so obviously we got pretty excited! Then it started to go down hill from there, he just tries to make us doubt our faith and he brought up many things that has happened in the past in the Church. I am truly grateful that I know that this Church is 100% true, sometimes the people are not and members have made mistakes. For this reason I chose this scripture this week (seen below). We then reached out to members and people taught in the past, luckily our phone was working again! We did a zoom call with Brother Howard and he played some hymns on the guitar, he is pretty good! To end the night we had a good lesson with Sister Lim and Betty, we talked about the pre earth life and we helped answer some of her questions!
     Sunday morning and it is Fast Sunday, basically just relaxed in bed for a little bit longer and then got ready for the day! We then did daily planning and right after had coordination with Methuen. Once again it went really well! After we then had personal studies for an hour, then had our Mission Wide Sacrament Meeting, with it being Fast Sunday we had a fast and testimony meeting. We heard from a few missionaries who are going home at the end of this transfer. Afterwards we had another good Sunday Service with Angel, the Chipmans, and the Aldrich's. Near the end Sister Carter joined us, because she came to visit the Aldrich's. We did another Fast and Testimony meeting, even Angel shared his testimony! His faith has grown so much since we first met, and he is almost ready for baptism! Shortly after we had a message with the Swanson's, today Zarah and Eli couldn't make it, but we were able to bare our testimonies for Brother Swanson. Afterword we had a call from Gail and we said a prayer with her, because with everything going on she is worried. We then had a quick call with the Sister Training Leader Trainers (basically Sister AP's) we talked about planning something for a mission devotional, they want to get David Archuleta to talk to our mission, and I just so happen to know his Voice Coach. After the call we then had a lesson with our friend Joyce! This is the first official lesson with her, we even had the Malstroms join us, and it went so well! She is such a sweet lady and has a desire to know the truth and come closer to our Savior Jesus Christ! We talked about the restoration with her and she really liked it. Later on we called a few members for messages and then had comp studies. For comp studies we started to memorize the 4th paragraph in the Restoration Proclaimation, 3 down 5 to go! We finally had dinner, Fast Sundays feel so slow! After dinner we did some Facebook finding and filmed my daily post. Elder Foster had a headache so he took a nap and I wrote up my email. To end the night we did some contacting and after 9 we called the other companionships to check in on them!

                        Alma 30:41
     "41 But, behold, I have all things as a testimony that these things are true; and ye also have all things as a testimony unto you that they are true; and will ye deny them? Believest thou that these things are true"

     Saturday a man from England called us asking about the Book of Mormon, it really quickly led to him bringing up "anti-mormon" material and he set in trying to make us doubt. We ended up finding his facebook and he has even been a protester at Temple square! It saddens me to see how far some people will go to lead others away from the truth. In this passage of Alma 30 there is a man named Korihor who did the same thing this man is doing to us and maybe many others. I am glad to know that my faith and my testimony are strong in the Gospel! I know that the Book of Mormon truly is the Word of God and so is the Bible! This is Christ’s Church on the Earth today and I can never deny that! I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen

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